C ~ XXXIII ~ Drawings ✏️📒

15 1 23

Word Count: 918

POV (point of view): Third person

October 8th, 2013

"Delta, no!" Owen yelled, running the opposite way.

"You dumb fuck!" Y/n laughed, watching Delta start chasing Owen.

"Shut up!-"

Delta suddenly jumped ontop of Owen, trapping him. Y/n didn't bother trying to help, only laughing harder in response; Delta releasing a slight huff, probably mocking Owen or her form of laughing. Eventually, she decided to join her sisters in another part of the pen and get off of Owen.

"Thanks for the help." Owen rolled his eyes, trying to get some mud off his pants.

"Mhm, I'll be sure to keep that moment as a mental image for a drawing reference later.." Y/n mumbled, hoping Owen wouldn't catch too much of what he said "Well, that's our bit of training for today, I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah, say hi to your short ass boyfriend for me too."

"Will do."

Y/n punched Owen's shoulder and left before he could get back at him. When he finally reached Henry's lab, he peeked his head into the room to see Henry slumped over his desk again. Shaking his head slightly, Y/n walked in- closing the door behind himself- and gently shook Henry's shoulders to see if he was awake or not.

"Welcome back.." Henry smiled, lifting his head up slightly to look at Y/n.

"Thanks.. You alright?" Y/n asked, kissing Henry's cheek.

"Mhm, just struggling to focus on work." (Literally me rn with writing, I'm forcing myself to write this rn at 00:05 am 😋)

"Anything I can help with?"

"I dunno.. Could I just.. Nevermind."

Henry sighed before trying to pick up where he left off on his work, while Y/n hesitantly took his spot on the desk and got out his sketchbook. Deciding to put off finishing some other sketches, Y/n went through with attempting to draw Owen being trapped by Delta from earlier by memory. But, after some time, Henry started to look more distressed; making Y/n set what he was doing aside and pulling Henry's chair over to him.

"What would you like me to help you with, sweetheart?" Y/n asked, lowering his voice a bit.

"Can I just.. God I probably sound like an idiot right now but.. Could I rest my head on your lap?" Henry mumbled, avoiding any eye contact with Y/n, who was a bit suprised but had a pretty big smile on his face.

"Of course you can, you need a break anyways."

"Thank you.."

Henry sighed before putting his head on Y/n's thighs, holding his waist. Y/n ruffled Henry's hair a bit before going back to drawing. By the time Y/n had decided to finish the actual drawing later, Henry was already asleep. It didn't really matter to him though, he was just happy his boyfriend was letting himself rest and take a break from his work.

Y/n didn't bother waking Henry up, just going back and finishing other sketches or notes and such in the sketchbook. After a few hours, Henry eventually woke up, still looking and feeling exhausted.

"You ready to call it a day?" Y/n asked, cupping Henry's cheek.

"I think so.." Henry muttered, almost falling back asleep.

"Come on then, you can go right back to sleep when we get back then, okay?"


Y/n quickly put his sketchbook away and grabbed Henry's hand; trying to get them back to the living quarters quickly but also trying to make sure Henry wasn't falling back asleep yet or struggling to keep up. Almost the second Y/n had closed the door behind them upon getting there, Henry was already on the bed, about to fall asleep; not even out of his shoes or lab clothing. Y/n sighed before removing both him and Henry's shoes and work clothes; then getting comfy in the bed with him.

"Thank you for taking care of me.." Henry mumbled, slightly opening his eyes.

"All I did was let you rest and got you back here to rest, but you're welcome." Y/n kissed Henry's forehead and wrapped his arms around him.

"Still.. You're always taking care of me, making sure I'm not overworking myself and when I am you pretty much force me to take a break or stop for the day.. I can't thank you enough.. I love you so much."

"I love you too... now get some sleep, okay, baby?"


Y/n hoped Henry was already sleeping so he couldn't see the big grin he on his face, along with the slight blush. He closed his eyes and kissed Henry's forehead again before joining him in sleep.


Sir this is a Wendy's...

UHM ANYWAYS.. Hope yall enjoyed this chapter, I seem to kinda write best when I'm sleep-deprived, but then again I'll get a bit off topic or it'll make no sense, hopefully this didn't happen, I was gonna change the title to 'Appreciation' but by doing that I was probably gonna turn this into a smut chapter and I don't do so good with writing those when I'm sleep deprived, or in general? BUT, I'll replace one of the future chapters with that idea, not sure what one yet but I'll worry about it after I decide to sleep, I've been up for more than 24 hours now and I'm struggling lmao.

But yeah, hope yall enjoyed, have a wonderful day/night =)!

-Jupiter? 💜

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