C ~ XL ~ Nublar Weather ☀️🔥

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Word Count: 791

POV (point of view): Third person

Chapter 40, a little more than half way done >=)

February 27th (and 28th?), 2014

"God, even for February it's still too damn hot." Y/n groaned, sitting directly in front of the air conditioner.

"You've been working here, what like, 2-3, years now, and you're still not used to it?" Henry chuckled, tossing Y/n a juice box (THEY'RE BACK!!!).

"No, not really."

"Well, at least you won't have to worry about it today or tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'm just hoping the heat isn't too harsh on the dinos."

"They'll be okay."

"You wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure, I'll go look through your dvds."

After a few minutes of looking, Henry ended up chosing Scream 2 (EERORAZRA, this was for you babes 💜). Y/n made some popcorn and the two got comfy on the bed. When that movie was over, they decided to put one more on before calling the a day; The Nightmare Before Christmas (again, for you EERORAZRA 💜). Once they'd finished watching this one, Henry was almost asleep against Y/n. A bit of difficulty trying to get Henry to let him go later, and Y/n had put the Dvds away and lied back down with Henry who was now already asleep.

Throughout the whole time the two were 'asleep', it was one of those nights that not only did Henry keep kicking Y/n (and kicking him off the bed too-), but Y/n kept kicking the blanket off the bed. Despite how 'hot' it was, Henry was still relatively 'cold', and started trying to get even closer to Y/n who was practically sweating. From most of this, they kept waking up. Henry mostly waking up to grab the blanket, and Y/n waking up from how much hotter Henry was making it (I meant this in a temperature way but I meaann 🤭).

In the morning, when Henry's alarm went off, Y/n had been the one to wake up. After shutting it off, he gently shook Henry in attempt to wake him; and he was mostly successful. Even though he had waken Henry up, Henry was almost about to fall back asleep. He got up anyways and got dressed, immediately getting back in bed and cuddling Y/n again.

"You that tired or just want affection?" Y/n chuckled, rubbing his eyes.

"Both.." Henry smiled, kissing Y/n's cheek.

"Have a good day, I'd stop by or go with you but it's so damn hot outside."

"Thanks, and don't worry about it, I could tell you were still overheating even with the air conditioner last night."

"Yeah.. I love you."

"I love you too."

A few minutes later, Henry got up and left for the lab, kissing Y/n again before leaving. Instead of doing something productive, Y/n kicked the blanket off the bed again and fell back asleep. But, because of a certain Animal Behaviorist, he wasn't able to sleep long.

Nearly 7 hours later, Owen called him, multiple times actually. By the 6th time, Y/n had finally waken up and answered.

"What the fuck do you want?" Y/n groaned.

"Just wanted to see how you were holding up, sorry if I woke you up." Owen chuckled.

"How do you think I'm doing?"

"Not the best?"

"Can't stop sweating, so yeah."

"Probably not the best work environment for someone who is always overheating."

"It's worth it.. most the time at least."

"Fair. I'll leave you be now, see you tomorrow."

"Mhm, bye."

Almost the second Y/n put his phone back, Henry walked through the door. He started changing out of his lab clothes and got into bed with Y/n– again.

"Hey, how are you?" Y/n smiled, kissing Henry's cheek.

"I'm alright, got quite a bit of work done today." Henry grabbed the blanket from the floor and scooted closer to Y/n.

"Baby, as much as I'd love to cuddle with you, I'm a sweaty mess and will probably die if you get any closer."

"You're really warm and I'm almost freezing."

"Yeah but I'm about to die from how hot it feels."

"Can I hold your hand then?"

"My hands are pretty sweaty but sure."



Also, ik I'm like 2 hours late to posting this, I kept getting distracted while writing this at like 22:40 and now im publishing it at 01:11 🙁

Hopefully this chapter was okay, I was trying to kinda get through it since I'm late to uploading it so-

But, I hope you guys have a great day/night =)!

-jupiter? 💜

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