A/n ~ Quick Update/Note =)

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Hey babes, so I just kinda wanted to write a quick little update or whatever for you guys, give you a bit of info for what I've got planned and what's been going on lately.

So for one, I'd like to kinda talk about how close I am to finishing this book. I'm on (I think) the 33rd chapter, and almost in 2014 for this timeline. Because of this, I feel like this is an appropriate time to talk about the next book I was going to make.

Once I finish with this book, I'm going to be taking a small break from any work, even any other writing projects I have, wattpad or not, I'm going to probably be gone for a week or so, not sure when though, as I'm not at the last chapter yet lmao. But, when I do, I will probably post the last actual story chapter and one last a/n or something to let yall know. With this book, I'm hoping to get at least maybe like 40 chapters, I'm fine if it goes over, I think it'd just be nice to end either on a 40/50 or a 45 maybe? As sad as I am to be nearing an end for this book, I'm also glad. I've been writing this for either a year or somewhat close to one and this is one of the only writing projects I've committed to like this and gotten actually inversed in, and that people have actually enjoyed.

With me not writing as much recently, it's mostly due to my schedules and motivation. Having to deal with school, and my teachers deciding to give us like really big projects on the last week of school, making time for out of school activities, like a club I'm in (for school ig?-) or just hanging out with my friends, hanging out with family, etc. Because of this, I've had a small amount of time for writing, and not much motivation when I do have the time to write. I have been trying though, and I'm just hoping the chapters haven't seemed too rushed with the writing or dates in general, or they haven't seemed sloppy and whatnot, I'm trying to produce good-quality chapters for you guys, smut too, with little motivation so I'm hoping they're turning out well in your guys' eyes. In the next week or two, I'm going to be trying to make some sort of time for writing this though, in hopes to finish it before the end of June.

But yeah, I just wanted to kinda give you guys a small update on everything, and like I said, I'll be trying to write more in the next few weeks, hopefully I'll finish this by then.

Thank you guys for enjoying this book so far, and just kinda sticking with me/supporting me, like I've said, this is one of my first writing projects I've been really committed too that hasn't been for school or some random dumb thing in my friend group, so yeah. This book is also nearing 2k reads, and I honestly can't express how much I appreciate it. Not just the reads, but just you all in general. I'd never be this far in the book if I hadn't had you guys reading this and supporting me along the way, I really appreciate and love you guys and even though I'm just some stranger on the internet who has an obsession with older men and such.

Yeah, thank you guys so much, I love you all and can't express how much I do and appreciate you guys. Have a wonderful day/night, I'll see yall in the next chapter =)

Also, before I end this, I just wanted to remind you guys that I'm still taking requests for Side chapters, I'll be having them open until I finish the book!

-Jupiter? 💜

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