Facing the fear

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The path got clear as the bodyguards hurried to either side of the walls, hanging their heads low and bowing their heads at their young boss.

Ethan walked straight, his chin up and hands in his pockets. His polished shoes made a perfect rhythm against the marble tiles.

"Do you want me to put her in the basement?" His PA, Steven asked once they were inside his room.

Ethan just sighed before removing his blazer and undid the first two buttons of his white ironed shirt. He loosened his tie a bit by pulling it down and plopped into the big gray coloured couch. He leaned further down into the couch and closed his eyes, obvious to the fact that the man was waiting for his response and he liked it. He liked it, Hell! he loved it when someone wait for him, for his one word, they will wait for god knows how long just to get a response from him and he fucking loved it. He loved the attention.

After a few minutes he opened his eyes as well as his mouth.
"Not now Steven. Now I want you to go and search that entire area one more time and find that fucking phone." His voice was so serious that made his PA leave that place without another word.

Ethan watched his PA exiting the room and slowly got up from his seat. He undid his shirt cuffs before folding it till his elbows. He slowly made his way towards the glass table as he pulled open a drawer and took out a packet of branded cigarettes. He put the butt of the cigarette in between his lips as he lit it up using a lighter.

Ethan puffed out the smoke as he sat on top of the glass table and that's when his silver orbs landed on the blue stick file that was placed on the very end of that table. It only took him seconds to acknowledge what was inside that file.

He leisurely put the butt of the cigarette on the glass bowl as he opened that file. Very soon his sinful eyes caught the name that was written in bold letters along with the picture attached to it. His eyes lingered on that photo for a very good minute as he scanned it thoroughly. That green orbs, it felt like he was staring at the real emerald gemstone 'cause they were shiny and attractive. It shone like a star and his dark orbs instantly felt an attraction as well as a hint of jealousy towards that bright and active color. The color which reminds everyone of lush green, trees and forest, a color which symbolizes rebirth, renewal and immortality and for a second he doubts her being a human.

JASMINE JOHANSSON it displayed and his eyes traveled down, Age - 22, and then further down, Orphan.

He was fractionally relieved when he read that, So no one's going to disturb him even if she dies.

Dropped out from college. Dropped out from college? He raised his left eyebrow upon reading this. So she's not graduated, illiterate. He scoffed internally. No wonder she pulled such an act. It's no surprise for him to have stalkers and spies around him all day but what surprised him was it being a girl, a small fragile girl like her, that too late at night. Suspicious as well as interesting. Fierce and bold women are always interesting.

Before he could continue his phone rang out loud. That music echoed in the spacious room with full volume as he just stared at it with cold eyes.

MOM, it displayed a beautiful picture of his mother along with his father. Unwillingly he attended it, placing it over his right ear as he threw that file on the couch.

"Hello?" Her sound was soft with a hint of confusion.

"Hey mom" he answered in his usual tone. However the harshness in his voice was less because it's his mother. He closed his eyes when he heard a soft sigh, probably of annoyance from the other line.

"Your dad wants you here as soon as possible, Eeth." His mother said.
"Now where are you?" She asked and he easily caught the distress in her voice, it was full of worry, panic and fear. But why? He thought for a second.

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