Civil War

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Jasmine stumbled, resulting in a small yelp from her mouth. She doesn't know where they are taking her. It was early in the morning when two bulky guards woke her up saying their boss demanded her presence.

Jasmine looked around the penthouse in amusement. She was awestruck by the beauty of the house, the whole penthouse, the interior works, royal furnitures, exquisite sculptures adoring the white walls, matching curtains, luxury paintings and many more. The whole house screamed just one thing, wealth.

Jasmine averted her gaze from the house when the bodyguards stopped walking. She squinted her eyes when one of them opened a door and motioned her to go inside.

'Aren't they coming?' She thought to herself but chose to enter as she had no other options. Her questions were answered when they closed the door from outside, leaving her there alone.

Like a lost puppy she looked around the whole room with wide stunned eyes. She flinched hard and backed away when a deep and thick voice penetrated through her ears. She turned around in reflex and crossed her arms in defense, ready to throw some punches.

Ethan chuckled amusingly watching her silly act. She was trying to act all bold and strong but her act only made her look like a five year old girl who is trying hard to behave like a lady. It was fun though.

"Defensive mode on, huh?" He taunts while standing up from his chair. Tucking his hands in his pockets he made his way towards her, purposely making sounds by clicking the heels on the tiles.

"Why did you call me?" Jasmine asked while standing straight. Her honey voice laced with roughness as she tried to sound bold and strong.

Ethan watched as she looked everywhere but him. Her head was hung low and she found the white tiles more beautiful than the Greek God like man infront of her.

Ethan smirked involuntarily watching her getting nervous around him, that somehow made him feel like a dominant mate. He is dominant by nature and her frightened figure satisfied him to no end.

He hates it when people disobey or ignore him, especially women. For him, men have more power and control than women. Men have ultimate power and authority. Women should remain at home, taking good care of husband and children. He still lives in the 19th century.

"So eager huh?" He husked and smirked at her. Jasmine felt uneasy under his predatory gaze. Her heart throbbed in that uneasy feeling, she felt itchy under that skin crawling gaze. It was not just a gaze, it felt like he could see through her clothes, see something he shouldn't. And the emotion swirling in those orbs made her jump on her spot.

The dark desire and lust in them are obvious like the sea. He did nothing to hide them, a shameless creature.

Ethan slowly walked towards her petite frame and stopped behind her. He inched closer to her, invading her personal space.Jasmine shrank and backed away from him like the proximity between them burns her. Her face adorned with anger and a hint of fear.

" You were right. You are a woman and I'm a man, we should play fair right?" His each and every word was like a mockery towards her, he was making fun of her. Calling her powerless and weak in a thousand ways.

"So I'm giving you one last chance" This time his voice was serious. He glanced her from head to toe and then again at her green orbs.

"Tell me where the phone is and I'll let you go," Jasmine swallowed visibly. What should she do? She's in between devil and sea, either way she's going to die. A painful death. To be honest she isn't afraid of death, but the ruthless tortures of him. They are unbearable, she saw it in the eyes of that man that night.

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