The Theft

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Amit Rathore was in shock when he realized that his invention had been stolen. He had put so much time, energy, and resources into developing the machine that he couldn't believe it was gone. He immediately called the authorities, hoping they would be able to help him recover it.

However, Amit's hopes were dashed when he found out that the police had no leads on who could have stolen the machine. The theft had been carried out with such precision that there was no sign of forced entry or any evidence left behind. The police advised Amit to wait and see if the thieves tried to sell or use the machine, but Amit knew that he couldn't afford to wait.

Amit was desperate to find his invention, and he decided to hire a private detective to investigate the theft. He searched online and found a detective agency that specialized in corporate investigations. He called them up and arranged a meeting with one of their senior detectives.

The detective's name was Rajesh Singh, and he had been investigating corporate thefts for over a decade. Amit explained the situation to him, and Rajesh listened carefully. He asked Amit several questions about the machine and the circumstances surrounding the theft, trying to get as much information as possible.

 He asked Amit several questions about the machine and the circumstances surrounding the theft, trying to get as much information as possible

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After hearing everything, Rajesh told Amit that it was a challenging case, but he was willing to take it on. He asked Amit to provide him with any information he had on potential suspects and promised to start investigating right away.

Over the next few days, Rajesh visited Amit's laboratory, talked to the security guards who were on duty that night, and reviewed the surveillance footage. He also talked to Amit's colleagues, hoping to find any leads. But despite his efforts, he couldn't find any concrete evidence that would lead him to the thieves.

Rajesh called Amit to give him an update, and Amit was disheartened to hear that there were no leads. But Rajesh told him not to lose hope and promised to continue investigating the case. Amit thanked him and hung up, feeling a sense of relief that someone was working to recover his invention.

To Be Continued...

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