The Investigation

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Amit Rathore and Rajesh Singh arrived at the headquarters of the rival company and made their way to the reception area. Amit had mixed feelings about being there, as he had worked with some of the people in the company before and didn't want to believe that any of them could be involved in the theft of his invention.

They were greeted by a receptionist, who asked for the purpose of their visit. Rajesh introduced himself and explained that they were investigating a theft and needed to speak to someone in charge. The receptionist took their details and called someone on the phone.

After a few minutes, they were escorted to a conference room, where a man in a suit was waiting for them. He introduced himself as Mr. Verma, the head of the company's research and development department.

Rajesh explained the situation and told Mr. Verma that they had reason to believe that one of his employees was involved in the theft of Amit's invention. Mr. Verma looked surprised and asked them to provide him with more details.

Rajesh showed him the photograph of the person who had sold the machine to Ravi, and Mr. Verma recognized the person immediately. It was one of his employees, a young engineer named Rohit, who had been working on a similar project for the company.

Mr. Verma was shocked and promised to cooperate with the investigation. He called Rohit in for questioning and asked him to explain his involvement in the theft.

At first, Rohit denied any involvement and claimed that he had nothing to do with the theft

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At first, Rohit denied any involvement and claimed that he had nothing to do with the theft. But Rajesh and Amit presented him with evidence, and Rohit finally broke down and confessed.

He told them that he had been approached by a rival company, which had offered him a large sum of money to steal the VR machine. Rohit had initially refused, but the company threatened to ruin his career if he didn't comply.

Feeling trapped, Rohit had stolen the machine from Amit's laboratory and sold it to Ravi, a middleman he had been put in touch with by the rival company.

Rohit's confession was recorded, and Rajesh took the evidence to the police, who arrested him and charged him with theft. Amit was relieved to have found the culprit and was grateful to Rajesh for his help in solving the case.

He was also proud of his invention, which had been so sought-after that it had been the target of corporate espionage. Amit knew that he had created something truly groundbreaking and couldn't wait to continue working on it.

The Time Machine heistDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora