Interview of a magnificent writer & poet(@efg2405 )

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Writing is something that is amazing. Writing with magnificent vocabulary and lines is extraordinary. Our maahie does that perfectly.

 Her stories and her poems = great reading time.

Check her books when you are free ! 


Interviewee : maahie

Interviewer : vanhi


Vanhi : hello ! 

Maahie : hi ! 

Vanhi : how did you come across wattpad ?

Maahie : I used to ship an ITV couple and I typed the ship name on Google and it showed me options of stories based on that ship, which we call fan-fictions. So, after reading few stories without having an account, I finally decided to make one account to explore reading stuffs.

Vanhi : Oh ok ! What's the motive behind your interest in writing ?

Maahie : I used to write poems since many years ago. But while reading others' books I thought of posting and trying out my own works too. If it works out then very well, if it doesn't, I'll unpublish. Fortunately, it worked out.

Vanhi : writing poems is such a great talent. Who is your greatest motivation to write ?

Maahie : Me and my sister are very inclined towards literature, so we often discuss, share and talk about writing stuffs. My environment contributes the most to motivate me. If I talk about Wattpad writers, then . I have learned a lot from her and her books.

(@its_lost_and_found is maahie's supporter in wattpad )

Vanhi : Wow ! She is a brilliant writer. What's your favourite genre ?

Maahie : I love reading comedy, rom-com and mystery. In writing, I like exploring platonic relationships and sometimes mystery too.

Vanhi : That's interesting. Your story zaroorat is something that really touches one's heart. How you got that amazing thought ?

Maahie : Thank you so much! I am really into the trope of second chances to love. I have watched a lot of shows based on this theme. Also, the platonic ships are my favorite. That inspired me to frame Zaroorat.

Vanhi : Ok. What do you think about criticism and lack of recognition for good stories, Whereas few stories without appealing storyline are being adored ?

Maahie : I feel that good things would get their own amount of love and recognition with proper time. Readers do read books without a proper storyline, grammar or plot but that's mostly the taste of those who only like reading mature romance stuffs. Not that they are bad or anything, it's just that to read the smut, people can even go for an improperly written book. Anyways, we shouldn't get affected by the competition, if our work is good, it will attract readers some time or other.

Vanhi : That's a good way to think. What do you think about teenage and peer pressure ?

Maahie : Personally, I have never got affected by this peer pressure. I am very unmindful of others' views about me, so it never affects me. I am the only tomboy in my 'girlish' friend group, so even they know that I can't be like them, so they've never tried to pressurize me. I love the way I am, and I think everyone should be just themselves and not be in a hurry to look or behave like someone else. No peer pressure can affect you if you are self-regulated.

Vanhi : That's nice, What's are your future plans ? How you are handling writing and studies ? Do you feel wattpad is obsessive ?

Maahie : I am a NEET aspirant, and currently preparing for that. I write in my breaks and avoid reading or writing books during exams. It is easy to focus on one thing at a time. I keep my studies and writing separate. No, I don't feel Wattpad is obsessive. One can choose what to obsess over. I have a lot of other things to be obsessed of, and Wattpad is not one of them.

Vanhi : Wow ! So, you are my junior. All the best for NEET. You will rock it for sure. What do you think about multilingualism ?

Maahie : Yesss! Thank you! Multilingualism is nice and interesting, surely. Although, I am not very fond of learning new languages, I am comfortable in English and Hindi only. It's good for those who like exploring and learning new languages.

Vanhi : Ok ! Who's your favourite poet , writer ?

Maahie : Favorite poet is Prasoon Joshi in real. On Wattpad @AnushkaApurbaMitra . I like the poems of @aidi07writes and @its_lost_and_found on Wattpad.

( @aidi07writes , @its_lost_and_found , @AnushkaApurbaMitra )

Vanhi : Great choices. All of them are amazing. When it comes to @aidi07writes . The way you two complimented eachother is lovely. You know everything that we have done yesterday night in the comments. I had a great time interviewing you maahie . All the best ! Keep rocking !

Maahie : Thank you! The best part of Wattpad is that I have an amazing bundle of friends who support me and my works every time and so do I. 

Vanhi : That's true. Even i feel the same.        

Maahie : I enjoyed the interview . Thanks for considering me.

Vanhi : 🤍

                  Thank you : )
How's it guys ! 
I'm going to interview @avniy1312 next.

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