Interview of an inspirational writer (@fly2live )

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Hey guys ! 

I've interviewed this amazing writer who gave interesting answers for my questions. 

Give his books when you are free ! 

It's worth reading them.


Interviewee : 

Interviewer : Vanhi 


 Vanhi : Hello ! 

Interviewee : Hello !

Vanhi : how did you come across wattpad ?

Interviewee : I came through grief. Lost my dad, and since sorrow caught up, my sister told me to write 100 words a day on 31 Dec 2021. It went for a month and then she sent me a link and here I wad, with my scribbles posted as a short book. It was an embarrassing book but so many strangers supported me. I never left.

Vanhi : what's your favourite genre ?

Interviewee : I read everything, poetry, romance, literary fiction, historical, YA fantasy... All except the werewolf and Alpha thing. I guess I am more into character interiority and not their physical attributes. I write whatever I am reading, and latches on. There are some eclectic books here which don't fit a genre but they are brilliant and so are their authors.

Vanhi : what's the first book that you've read in wattpad ?

Scent of Memosa by . I was blown away. I came across . I read almost 2-3 books a week for first one year. Now I read lesser, and I regret it. There are outstanding books here that will easily find a traditional publisher. 

Vanhi : what's your motivation to write ?

Interviewee :  I started with grief. Then solitude, loneliness and silence were my expressions. Now, having learnt from some great writers here, I write more about what my readers would like. It feels that way, but is not a compromise. Writing serves readers and so far, I have enjoyed listening to their feedback and writing what is loved. I still can't get around some genres though.

Vanhi : what do you think about multilingualism ?

Interviewee : It's critical to have an honest voice on page. As an Indian, I do think and feel in my mother tongue and it has been an essential part of my writing and reading. I urge all to read local languages. It's a treasure. English is restrictive when it comes to emotional expression. A single urdu or hindi word can convey an entire page.

Vanhi : what was the best money you've spent for reading ?

Interviewee : I have spent so much on reading. Best was buying Scribd subscription. Now I always have a few books, audiobooks and even graphic novels on my device at all times. I love the feel of paper and buy a book every week. 

Vanhi : do you see writing as a practice of gaining serenity ?

Interviewee : Writing is essential for all. If done honestly, its cathartic and helps one cope. It saved me, and we all need saving. I would urge all to write. Don't worry about criticism. It's better to be wrong on page than being absent.

Vanhi : who's your favourite writer ?

Interviewee : Neil Gaiman, Arundhati Roy, Stephen King, Plath, Dickinson, Kahlil Gibran, Ayn Rand.....there are so many. But since I spend a lot of time here, ny fav writers are mostly on WP. I can't name one, as it would be unfair to others.

Vanhi : what do you think is the best pattern to express a story ? Single POV or multiple ?

Interviewee :  POV is decided by the story. I feel this is something that most writers must discover, especially on Wattpad. If it's a love story, both sides of the story are important for balance. If it's an emotional roller-coaster, I would go dual POV in first person. If the plot is driven by external factors, its better to go close third. I would urge writers to think of this very very critically before they set out to develop a story.

Vanhi : what suggestions you would love to give for budding wattpad writers ?

Interviewee :  Support each other. That is most important. We are all alone, all anguished, all thirsty. We all can do with a little more ― small things, a like, a comment, an honest critique, and sometimes just a hi and hello. Be the community before you seek likes and comments. For writing all I can say is READ. If you don't have time to read others, you have no tools to write and it's unfair to expect others to read you. Chase your best ― not some million view books here (some of them are genuinely not good). Most important is to be yourself. If you can do that here in anonymity, you won't be yourself anywhere. Wattpad is more than books. Its people. Don't hold back. Let go. It's a nice home to many unloved hearts

Vanhi : thank you ! I had great time interviewing you.

Interviewee : Thanks. It was fun. You are a good community member, a nice friend, a great person. Be blessed.


So, here is the 6th interview. 

Stay tuned for the next one !

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