Interview of a graceful writer (@AnushkaApurbaMitra)

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Guys ! 

Anushka is an extremely talented writer who's writing style is absolutely graceful and interesting. 

Do check her books when you are free and have a great a great reading time !


Interviewee : Anushka 

Interbiewer : Vanhi 


Vanhi : hello ! 

Anushka : hello !

Vanhi : How did you come across wattpad ?

Anushka : Well, that's interesting. One day, a Wattpad story appeared on my Google feed. I clicked on it and it made me land up here!

Vanhi : Ok ! What's your favourite genre to read and write ?

Anushka : Stories which are set up in ancient Bengal, attract me. This makes me love reading Robi Thakur(Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore) and Sarat Chandra. About writing, I usually write stories with ancient Bengal as the backdrop and non-toxic male leads. However, I do read contemporary literature. And I appreciate them. But my heart is just old school. P.S - I'm planning on writing a modern-time based story.

Vanhi : That's actually a great theme. I can't get over books like devadas and gitanjali. What do you think is the best book you have ever read ? Did you learn something from your favourite book ?

Anushka : I had read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' sometime earlier. The tears that I shed while reading, still stays afresh in my inward eye. I just can't forget that book. It was my latest read. Also, 'Rajmohan's wife' by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay. Lesson - The lives of women are difficult.

Vanhi : Great ! Who's your motivation to write ?

Anushka : My readers! P.S - I only mentioned my favorite 'English' books in the previous answer. If I were to talk about my favorite Bengali books, I can write an essay about them.

Vanhi : Wow. Our mother tongue is something that always holds us towards anything that we are doing. Same with writing. Isn't it ? What do you think is the best environment to right ?

Anushka : indeed, yes. I think and feel in my mother tongue. We all do.

 Anushka :The best environment to write should be a calm mind and a happy heart. The outside arrangement does not matter. The inner arrangement does.

Vanhi : That's true . What do you think about the anguish that we develop as we are growing up ? Is that something that we should look upon or ignore ?

Anushka : The anguish we develop while growing up, should not be looked down upon or ignored. Rather the one facing the anguish should be cared and loved more. We should remove the bad with the good. (My personal opinion!)

Vanhi : Yeah ! What do you think about the platforms like wattpad , goodnovel , etc.. ? Do you think these are a threat to traditional books ?

Anushka : No, not really. These online platforms have actually given budding writers and poets an easy proposition to present their works and also receive direct constructive criticism from the readers. I am grateful to Wattpad. Had it never been there, I would never have dared to write novels.

Vanhi : Ok ! Did you ever meet a renowned writer ? If you get a chance what would you ask them ?

Anushka : Oh! No! I never got the chance to meet a renowned writer. I'd tell them to read my books.

Vanhi : Haha. How you are handling your regular work / study along with writing ? Do you think writing is something that gives you peace ?

Anushka : I only write 3-4 lines at one time. I am a slow writer. So, it does not give me a problem. But yes, the thought-process behind those 3-4 lines takes some time.Yes. Writing gives me peace. A lot of it.

Vanhi : Ok ! What do you think about teenage and peer pressure ?

Anushka : Just focus on your goal of life. The negative peer pressure would move away. The positive peer pressure would come in.

Vanhi : well said ! What suggestions you would love to give for budding wattpad writers ?

Anushka: I would tell them to not pressurize themselves on being perfect in writing. As time passes, with little efforts, they would know it all.No one is perfect in the beginning. Simple try to write. But don't pressurize yourself too much into perfection. Time is a great teacher. With time, as you gain experience, you would understand. Just keep on applying the required efforts. (I hope I could explain myself.)

Vanhi : That's true ! Thank you anushka ! I had great time interviewing you

Anushka : I loved interacting with you.Wishing you all the good luck!


Stay tuned for the next interview !

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