Mouse Trap (End Of The Road Tour) 🪤

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Today, the guys noticed that something or someone has been stealing some of the food from the backstage area.

I thought maybe that they were just running low on food, but Paul said that Doc already restocked on everything.

Because my tortoiseshell cat Cinnamon wasn't allowed backstage, we decided to set up a mouse trap.

Eric suggested that we use a piece of cheese as bait.

So, that's we used.

Tommy put the cheese on the mouse trap and once he was finished with setting it up, we left the room.

Then, when we all came back the next day, Gene was the first person to walk in.

What he saw did make him feel happy.

There was still food being stolen.

And worst of all, it was an even bigger mess than before.

I started to laugh at Gene's grumpy attitude.

"It's not funny. We can't have this while we're on tour".

He said.

"I know that, silly"!

I snickered.

After that, Paul and Eric went to go talk to Doc McGhee, the KISS manager.

"Maybe we should try something else".

Doc suggested.


Paul agreed with him.

"What did you guys use for the bait"?

One of the KISS crew members asked.


Eric replied.

"You need to use peanut butter, the mice love that stuff".

The KISS crew member told the drummer.

So, that's exactly what we did.

This time, Tommy put a small spoonful of peanut butter on the mouse trap.

Then, me and the band left for the night to go eat pizza for dinner.

The next day, I came in early to check our mouse trap.

Cinnamon was with me, but she was safely tucked in her pet carrier.

Suddenly, she began to hear little squeaking noises coming from the food pantry.

I quietly opened the door to her pet carrier so she could sneak up on whatever was making those sounds.

As soon as I opened the pantry, Cinnamon began to pounce.

She accidentally knocked over various containers of cheese balls, boxes of crackers, and even a liter of Coke Cola, which thankfully did not spill.

"What was that"?!

Eric Singer jumped from his seat.

"Let's go and find out".

Paul whispered.

When they walked into the room, the band couldn't believe what they were seeing.

But there was no denying it.

KISS literally had a mouse problem.

Cinnamon was already eating the rodent that she had caught, and was growling with excitement.

After she was done with her meal, I petted her as a reward.

"You're such a good mouser, Cinnamon".

I said to my tortoiseshell cat, who in return began to purr while rubbing the side of her body against my leg.

Paul petted her too.

And so did Tommy, Eric, and Gene.

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