Firehouse (Destroyer era)🧯

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It was just a normal for the band.

Paul and the guys were just hanging out after rehearsals.

I was sitting in Paul's lap while playing Go Fish with Ace and Peter.

Suddenly, Gene began to smell something.

"Does anyone have the slightest idea where that smell is coming from"?

He asked us.

"I dunno. Maybe it's—

Ace started to say, but then the smell became worse.


Peter screamed.

"Guys! Grab your stuff and get out"!

Their manager Bill Aucoin hollered.

Soon, the smoke began to spread quickly across the entire building.

Paul and the guys loaded their instruments into nearby large suitcases, and I helped them.

But then, I started coughing up smoke and dust.

"Oh no"!

Paul shouted, noticing that I had collapsed.

He picked me up and carried me bridal-style while leading Gene, Ace, and Peter out the door.

Then, we saw that the fire department had arrived ok the scene.

Bill Aucoin was able to escape the burning building.

But he had some burn marks on his arms.


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