Runaway Chicken (Sonic Boom Era) 🐓

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"Catch it guys"!

I laughed while filming them with the KISS-camera.

Apparently, Eric decided to steal some eggs from a chicken coop and the mother hen followed them home by hiding in Tommy's duffel bag.

Now, there was feathers all over the place.

"Aw, crap! I got feathers in my mouth"!

Gene hollered, spitting them out, making me laugh even more.

Tommy was struggling to find a way to corner the chicken so it'll be easier to catch it.

"Could ya help us please"?

Paul asked me.


I grinned, and then placed the KISS-camera down where it was still aiming at me and the band.

We all began chasing the runaway chicken.

"Bawk! Bawk"!

It clucked, flapping its wings at us.

"I gotcha"!

Eric tried pouncing on the chicken, but he completely missed his target.

"I'll get it"!

Everyone else watched as I walked over to the chicken, which was hiding behind a sofa.

I looked at it and blinked slowly to appear less threatening.

Then, I carefully bent down and picked up the chicken.

It settled comfortably in my grip.

"Give the eggs back to the hen, Catman".

I playfully glared at the drummer.

"I should've known better than to steal bunch of chicken eggs".

He put the eggs in a basket and took them back to the farm, where he returned them to the chicken coop.

The mother hen was happy to have her hatchlings back safe and sound.

After the Catman returned to where me and the guys were at, the band continued to do their rehearsals.

I was still snickering about how everything went.

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