Limousine (End Of The Road Tour era) 💞

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I was waiting for the guys outside the venue.

The concert had just ended five minutes ago, and now it was time for the band to remove their war paint.

The limo was already parked outside the back entrance.

About fifteen minutes later, Eric and Gene came out wearing normal clothes.

Tommy was following them, and then finally, the Starchild himself came out.

For some reason, the guys were wearing still wearing their outfits and KISS makeup.

Normally, they would take a quick shower before we left to get to our hotel room that we were staying in for the night.

But this time, we were leaving a little bit later than usual because the fans who had backstage passes got to have their picture taken with the hottest band in the world.

Doc McGhee got into the limo first, and he sat in the back seat with Gene and Eric, who were both still talking about a million miles per hour.

Tommy looked like he was exhausted, and he was looking forward to a good night's sleep.

Paul was sitting in the middle seat and since we were in a hurry, I decided to sit down next the frontman.

On the way to the hotel, Tommy fell asleep.

Paul was still wide awake.

He noticed that I was literally sitting right next to him, with my hips touching his very own.

The Starchild could also see how low-cut my top was, and it exposed my cleavage.

I looked down and realized that his hand was on my waist, and it turned me on a little bit.

Paul could tell from experience that I was getting excited.

He gently traced circular movements with his finger, and I squirmed around, trying to fight back to urge to do him right there.

Meanwhile, Eric and Gene were still talking, and they didn't even notice that things between me and Paul were getting heated.

I smirked playfully and then decided to sit down in his lap.

Paul wrapped his arms around my lower body while humming to some Beatles music.

He then let out slight groan as I pushed my ass up against his crotch, teasing him.

"You know what that does to me".

The frontman whispered into my ear, and then gently tucked at my earlobe with his teeth.

I giggled quietly and then continued to tease him.

Paul stuck his arm up my top, feeling around my breasts and went on to undo the strap on my undergarments, but it turned out I wasn't wearing anything underneath.

"Damn,'re gonna make me cum".

"Just hold it for a little longer, then you can fuck me all you want, Starchild".

I whispered, and giggled softly as he tried to resist the urge to climax.

Just when Paul thought that he was going have an orgasm, the limo driver spoke on the intercom.

"Doc, we're at the hotel".

He said.

I stretched my arms and let out a yawn.

"Hey, what's up with you guys"?

Eric asked, noticing our flustered faces.

Gene knew from his experiences after bringing many hot groupies to his hotel room after a show what was going on between me and the frontman.

Paul was secretly waiting to do something with me.

And that something was happening tonight.

Paul Stanley Imagines (2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora