Scavenger hunt

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Sup simp's I'm back! I have motivated myself to write! 💪💪💪 So like yeah READ A D I O S. Jay bird over and out~ 😴😴😴

~Netopia bug burgers~

"Enjoy everyone, this place makes the best beatle burgers in all of Newtopia." Marcy Says. Everyone picked up their burgers and ate them.

"Yeah... I'm fine." (Y/N) says pushing the plate away. "Yeah no, I let that slide yesterday EAT." Marcy demanded.

(Y/N's) scoffs. "Fine!" (Y/N) takes the littlest bite.

Marcy pulled out her journal and started writing in it. "What's that?" Polly asked.

"Oh just my journal, I like jotting down theories and observations." Marcy explains. "That thing is filled to the brim of knowledge." (Y/N) says.

"Yup, and sometimes I do drawings!" Marcy says, showing Polly a picture of herself. Polly gasps. "I looks just like me!" Polly says.

"Wow, Anne have you been keeping a journal too?" Hop pop asked. Anne turned around with straws in her nose.

"Look guys I'm a straw-lrus like a walrus but with straws!" Anne said. Sprig laughed but then stopped. "What's a walrus?" He asked.

The waiter came out. "Now who should I give the bill to?" They asked, they looked at Anne. "Probably not you." They said.

"Oh I'll take it! It's, oh, lemme guess twenty eight copper's?" Marcy asked. "Right you are!" They said.

Everyone clapped at Marcy's smarts. "Wow, Anne can you do math like that too Anne?" Hopidiah asked.

"Uh, you mean with like numbers and stuff?" Anne said blowing the straws out of her nose.

Polly rolled over between Anne and hopidiah. "Can you imagine if Marcy got stuck with us instead of Anne? We'd be set for life!" Polly said.

"Hush Polly, Think those thoughts don't say them." Hopidah scolded her. "Oh yeah? Well..." She thought for a second, then she sees an arrow shooting at them. "LOOK OUT!" After she tells that they all duck out of the way.

"Someone's trying to kill us!" Hop pop tells pointing at an arrow. "What? No. That's a letter from the king?" (Y/N) said looking confused at Hopidah.

Marcy takes the arrow from the wall. "Correction, It's a puzzle gram from the king."

~~Incoming different writing style~~

The group goes 'a what?' Trying to get Marcy to explain what a puzzle gram was, in which she dose, she turns around the piece of paper to show the group an unsolved puzzle. Then she explains how to solve the puzzle. "He's hidden clues around the city, and when I collect them all I get a message! Ugh It's so fun!" Marcy then curls up the paper and say's. "Okay, this first symbol is a tree, so we should head towards Coral Park. Now come on team it's puzzle time!" Sprig slams his arms on the table and goes, "A puzzle tour of Newtopia? Count me in!" He then hops out of his seat and next to Marcy.

Marcy grabbed (Y/N's) wheelchair handles and then Marcy, Anne, Sprig, and (Y/N) ran off cheering. Hopidah grabbed Polly and put her on his head and said, "come on Polly, this may be our most exciting adventure yet!" Then a newt popped out to clean up the dishes a told hop pop, "hey thanks for coming in. Would you like to join our loyalty program? You can get free gifts." That cought hop pops attention being the cheap skate he is, "Gifts? FREE?" Polly goes, "oh no." Because she knows what's about to happen.

~~Cut to Marcy Anne Sprig and most importantly (Y/N)~~

Sprig was marveling and pointing out everything cuz you know ADHD kids (I have ADHD dw I'm not making fun of anyone!!) anyways he asked Anne, "Anne you're not marveling, is everything okay?" She replies, "Well I don't know it's just Marcy's always been the smart one in our group, I've always just felt kind of dumb around her." (Y/N) heard what Anne was saying and it made her heart wrench, (Y/N) tapped Marcy on the arm and asked, "Can Anne push me? You've got full arms." She said with a smile. Marcy said a quick 'Sure.' And handed her to Anne.

After a few minutes of awkward silence (Y/N) knew Marcy couldn't hear them anymore she whispered to Anne, "Psst, Anne." Anne looked down at her friend as a sort of way in saying 'What?' "I heard what you said about how you feel stupid around Marcy... And I just wanna let you know that, your specialty isn't in Smartness it's something else, you just gotta find that something else, and It doesn't matter how smart you are me and Marcy will always love you." (Y/N) had some wisdom in her young age but that ment she could hopefully inspire Anne that she's not as useless as a bag of rocks.

Anne smiled and they got to the park, Anne completely ignoring (Y/N) she tries to act smart anyways ands ends up hugging a tree. Marcy found the correct way and Anne felt stupid again. And once again they were off but Anne had to help a caterpillar before she left.


Anne, Marcy, and Sprig toppled out of the sewers and Hopidah started to scold her while making sure she was okay, "Anne what happened? Are you okay? Can't you go ten minutes on your own without getting into some kind of crazy danger?" Hop pop said with his arms in the air. "Aww give her a brake Hop pop, Anne's already sad because Marcy's so smart she makes her feel dumb." Sprig says not realizing what he'd done. "Sprig!" Anne said, "What? Anne is that true?" Marcy asked. "I don't know. Maybe? I guess I get a little jealous of you sometimes, I mean your so smart and I'm... Not." Anne says looking sad, "Anne that's insane! Besides I'm jealous of you." Anne goes, "Huh? What for?" Anne asked the Polly goes, "yeah, what for?" And Marcy says, "You get along with people so well, three people you met today just risked their lives to save you, heck the planters here adopted you and would do anything for you. Yeah sure I'm good at solving puzzles and calculating the check but you're amazing at making connections. Me, I have trouble looking people in the eyes sometimes." And (Y/N) just bluntly goes, "same."


Before Anne and the Planters were going to meet the king Marcy and (Y/N) had to talk.
"So I know that we're dating but do we keep it a secret from Anne? Or will she hate us if we don't tell her?" Marcy asked. "I think we should tell her, not now but soon." With an understatement Marcy nodded and kissed (Y/N's) cheek, and they headed back out to the planters.


I hope you don't hate me for just dipping out on y'all for a few months

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I hope you don't hate me for just dipping out on y'all for a few months. :3

Marcy x Transgender Fem reader  ||Amphibia||Where stories live. Discover now