The kiss

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James Potter and the rest of the Maurders had always bullied Severus Snape since they met him. They bullied him for years and for one reason, because he was a Slytherin who was friends with a muggle-born Griffindor girl named Lily Evans.

Lily was the best friend of Severus and supposed 'crush' of James Potter. That was the reason for the bullying except one thing, James wasn't sure it was Lily he loved.

James, even though he tried to deny it to himself, was secretly in love with Severus.

James POV
James had just come back from bullying Severus with his friends Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew, but their friend Remus Lupin didn't join in the bullying like always.

James felt like he always did, kinda, aroused. This happened every time they bullied Severus but he just shook it off saying it was because Lily was there, even though half the time Lily isn't there.

James would never stop denying it, but he was I love with Severus Snape.

That night James decided to take a walk while the others were sleeping so he grabbed his invisibility cloak and the marauders map and left the Griffindor dorms.

James was only walking when he decided to check the Marauders map and saw a dot labeled 'Severus Snape' in a abandoned classroom near the dungeons. James curiosity and his feelings lead him to the same abandoned classroom Severus was in.

James took his wand out grinning,(like in the picture.) Severus was there, sleeping with a open book I front of him,(also just like in the picture.) James was about to hex him when he saw Severus's face, sleeping calmly and beautifully.

Before James could think, James gently took Severus's face and kissed him. James, a blushing mess, gently put down Severus's head on the desk and scurried out of the room quietly, internally scolding himself.

As soon as James shut the door on his way out Severus's eyes opened up and his hands clasped on his mouth, to keep himself from screaming out and just to touch the place James kissed him on. Severus was still for a moment in shock then put his head down on the desk, blushing as red as a tomato.

~~~~~~~~~~whoop whoop-~~~~~~

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