The love potion

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Sev's POV

Severus woke up, a little dizzy till he remembered his great dream.

"Wth is wrong with me.." thought Severus, he got out of bad and looked at the time only to see he had 15 minutes till class started.

"Oh my godddd, why, whyyyy" Severus said he quickly got dressed and did his hair before rushing out of the dorms.

He got to class a few seconds before class began.

"Take a seat," said Slughorn, the potions professor, "in all of your 7 years here in Hogwarts you have never been even almost late, May you explain why?"

"I overslept,"  said Severus. He sat down in his seat.

"Ok everyone we will be make a potion called Amortenia, can anyone tell me what that is?

Severus raised his hand.

"Yes, Snape?" Said Slughorn.  

"Amortenia is the most strongest love potion in the world and smells like what you love the most." Said Snape

"Very good, you all will be partnered up-" said Slughorn before he was interrupted.

"Will we be able to choose our partners?" Said Sirius glancing at James, smirking, James also gave him a smirk.

"No, I will choose your partners because of your interruption." Said Slughorn glaring at him.

"Now the partners are,
Evans and McDonald
Lupin and Sirius black
Pettigrew and ___
Malfoy(I made him same year as Sev for story) and Narcissa black
___ and ___
__ and ___
___ and ___
__ and ___
____and ____
_____and ____
____and _____
____ and ____
_____and ____
Lastly, Potter and Snape"

"What" thought James and Severus

"Now go to your partner and start" said Slughorn, James made him way to Severus.

"Just leave me alone Potter, understood?" Said Severus

"Also no relying on your partners to do everything, looking at you Potter and Black." The professor said.

"Ugh, just get the ingredients, wait never mind you'd probably mess that up, your coming with me" said Snape grabbing James's wrist and bringing him to the closet of ingredients.

"I need you to get ___, ____, and ____. That should be easy enough for you but show me the ingredients just to make sure you didn't mess up on that too" said Severus as he gathered the other ingredients, James did too.

"Hand me the ___, and ___." Said Severus pouring them into the potion.

"Why are you so bossy, Snivillous?" Said James cutting the ingredients Severus told him to cut.

"Why are you so annoying?" Said Severus stirring the potion.

Severus raised his hand up into the air.

"We're done professor."said Severus lowering his hand.

"Ah well done, Snape, now since your the first done, one of you will drink it to test it." Said the professor looking from the 2.

"I'm not drinking it," said Severus quickly

"Well then, I guess that means Potter is drinking it, give him only 5 drops, so we can see the effect but nothing intimate will happen."

"5 drops? but shouldn't it be 3? Isn't 5 too much and will cause arousal but only in privacy?" Said Severus.

"Nonsense, I am the potions teacher not you I know better, know give him the potion."

"Fine," said Severus, James looked shocked but stopped when James took his chin and lift his head up.

"I will pour 5 drops of this potions into y out r mouth and you will swallow it, understood?" Severus said as he pored the drops into James mouth.

"Now do you feels any different?" Said Severus before James hugged him.

⚠️Warning, embarrassing and cringe coming⚠️

"Oh Sevy I love you, love love love love you!" James said clinging onto him. Everyone started giggling and laughing.

"Well then, now that we have seen the effect here it the antidote for the potion one drop ok?" The teacher said handing them a small glass vile.

"Isn't it supposed to be 2 drops?" Said Severus trying to get James off him.

"Now, as I said, I am the potions teacher here not you now do as I say." Severus poured one drop into James mouth before James Jumped off of Severus blushing, though Severus assumed out of embarrassment.

"Had fun there? Potter." Said Severus

"I see that everyone else has finished, put your potions on a glass vile with a note with your name on it so I can grade it."

"No, I didn't have fun there, Snivillous, but I suppose you did, after all I'm the most handsomest person in school" said James replying to Severus's comment. "I'm sure you just wished to F me right then and there."

"What did you say to me?" Said Severus as the bell rang, Severus grabbed James's hand and pulled him into a abandoned classroom.

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