The awkward tree time

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James was still..feeling... i dunno? Like love and shock and nervousness like that. It was the next day and the night before he had some..... inappropriate thoughts and dreams about Severus.

The day went normally until lunch/break time the Marauders went to the tree where Severus usually was during break time and started bullying him.

"Oh if it isn't Snivillous? Greasy git you don't deserve anything." Said Sirius Black, one of James best friends and #1 best friend.

"Shove off Black, you prat" Severus said coldly, glaring at him as if he would kill him with his hatred for the other student.

"Oh really? Then if I'm a part your a git! Right Peter?" Sirius said turning to face Peter.

"Y-yeah..." Peter said almost whispering but loud enough for all of them to hear. Peter never really liked bullying Severus but he did it because he was afraid that if he didn't then his friends would leave him.

"See, Peter agrees, don't you James?" Sirius smirking said to James now turning to him.

"Yep." Said James looking away from Severus as he was staring at him the whole time.

Severus also stopped looking at James and also looked away.

Sirius looked from James to Severus a few times before saying,

"You know what you greasy little git? Your lucky cause I'm bored of you, let's go guys" Sirius turned and Peter and James followed him.

They stopped in front of the dorms before Sirius said, "Hey Wormtail, me and James have to go do something we'll be back in a sec." Peter nodded going into the dorms. Sirius urged James to the side where no one could hear them.

"Ok, I know something is up. You usually are the leader, especially when we are bullying Snivillous, what happened because you both are acting fishy."

"Oh nothing is happening- wait did you just say Snivillous was also acting weird!?" Said James, a little alarmed. What if Severus knew about the kiss? Would he judge him and tell everyone and then he might lose his friends and-

"Hey snap out of it," said Sirius bringing him back to reality.

"Oh sorry I gotta go! Bye!" James said running off to the dorms.

"JAMES!!!" Sirius shouted

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