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I don't know when it started, like the world shifted around a small ministry. Panic arose, many left wondering what pontental one person, one child could hold. What mistake from seventeen years ago could fix the order of the church?

I am that mistake!

Seventeen years ago, more specifically on a tuesday night (not relevant to anything):

The tired eyes of a nun walk along a small corridor, looking past the endless halls of the ministry. Her back ached and her hair was tangled, she was not able to fix it that current morning since she overslept, again. She stretched her arms in the air, cracking her back. The crack echoed and disappeared. Her shoes left a nice tap sound down the hallway, she preferred the sounds of her boots then uncomfortable heels. She took a deep breath and took her time to scale the empty hallway, her heart nervously beating from the thick tension that surrounded her. Although this day wasn't significant in any way, the same old, she had marked this as the perfect day to escape from five long years serving in terrible conditions, not as terrible as before though. She wanted to leave and retreat back to her aunt and uncle.

Years ago, her parents had arranged a marriage for her, to her wishes of course. As a young adult she was not confident that she would find a suitable relationship, so she took to her parents to find her someone, not specifying what type of person she wanted. That was her first mistake, although it was not her fault, the mind fully develops at the age of twenty-five. She was twenty. It wasn't long before her parents found a reasonable parenter, somewhat. Ecstatic, her mind raced at the thought of becoming a wife, starting a family, the whole ordeal was something to celebrate. The only problem was... him. He was the problem. She did not do her research, nor did her parents. Maybe if they did, she could have saved from some scrutiny. He was an average man, average job, average social life. Her first meeting with him seemed to be going well, until he threw himself at her cousin. It was a social gathering with his family and hers. She ignored all of his red flags. Her second mistake. After they had gotten married, she fell down a downward spiral. His anger and resentment directed at her for reasons she could never understand. The once vibrant and hopeful woman had gradually become a shadow of her former self, trapped in a life she never wanted. Her small home that they had both bought was not safe. Enough, she had enough. She gathered herself and threw everything in a small car she had bought. Driving far away. What seemed like days of driving was tearing down her mental state. Her car was parked by a huge ministry in the area, famous for its reputation of being a satanic church of sorts. Not knowing where else to go, she knocked on the large door, hoping that someone would open for her. Luckily, someone did, thus starting her new life.

Looking down at her stomach, she noticed that it was growing. She smiled, but it turned into a frown looking at the mysterious people all over the ministry. They have all gathered around the main area, waiting for the new recruits to arrive. The nun timidly hid amongst the crowd of strange satanists. Hoping to avoid one person in particular. As many buses pulled up to the church, she striked. Carefully finding herself avoiding the crowd, making sure that no one would see her slip out of the crowd. Everything was put into motion. As much as she wanted to stay at this place, she wanted to see her family again, she wanted to raise her child in a normal environment. She feared that her unborn child would be taken away from her, being raised by the authority that was Sister Imperator. She wished that there would be another way. The only way of escaping was the buses, after she had the idea of selling her car for a quick cash grab. She had no belongings that she cared for, except for a small necklace that was a wedding present from her mother. As much as she loved her, she couldn't stand to face her parents, not after running away and being in hiding for years. When she was brave enough, she would reintroduce into society. She took off, hiding behind the first bus, watching the new recruits get out, then reaching the second one and handing the driver some money. She took her nun outfit, revealing another outfit underneath. She let down her hair, all the pins securing it were taken out and were in her hand. Breathing softly, she looked out the window, looking at the ministry, then at her stomach. She had neatly folded her outfit in her lap, deciding if she wanted to chuck it out the window, once and for all. But the bus started to move and she tightly clinged to the chair, holding the outfit tightly. The next stop was to the suburbs, her hometown was two hours away. She closed her eyes, hearing the rumble of the bus put her to sleep.

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