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There are many different ways to find a long lost family. First, you put up a sad Instagram or TikTok story. You could go on the Maury Show, which is a bit questionable, but very dramatic. I love drama, sometimes. Or you can go the neutral route and get a generic DNA test and ship it off to weird people on the internet. Which is what I did. I have a job, it pays well and I saved enough money from that job to buy myself an electric guitar and the proper equipment. That job also bought me a DNA test. Five hundred and thirty Swedish Krona was down the drain. I took the kit and followed the instructions, but when I couldn't figure it out for the fifth time, I ended up looking up a tutorial. I swapped the inside of my mouth and followed the directions to ship it off. Sending it off, I had to wait. What to occupy my time? What to do...? I'll do a montage.

Week one: Besides going to sleep most of the time, I re-watched my favorite bad lip reading videos. I mainly watched the Star Wars ones, singing seagulls all the time when I had the chance. I think doing that made mom a bit stir crazy since she got noise canceling headphones, good for her I guess. She got some that were blue, similar to mine, but I had a dark shade of forest green. I also re-watched all of Star Wars. I'm planning on watching Clone Wars (the series). Wyatt and I have been developing theories for anything that we can find on the internet, mainly old videos from ten years ago and developing backstories for the people in the videos. I also occasionally play multiplayer games with Wyatt and Sofia. I need their company these days, I can't wait for the results on my own.

Week two: This week could have been better, mom got promoted from her new job, and I learned how to play Rock Lobster on my guitar. The anticipation of waiting has hurt my brain, badly. The only thing keeping me together is sugar. I promised mom that I wouldn't bake and get drunk on sugar, but... I didn't keep that promise as of lately. I had to hide my cookie mess away and waft the smell out of the house so she wouldn't be too suspicious of me. I was bouncing off the walls, and even managed to finish an actual project!

Week three: I am miserable. I am still waiting. The box said that my results would come in next week. As much as I want to see what the results are, I really want to see them now. I am on my knees begging mom to give me a clue. Nothing. I'm locked in my room, hiding in my bed. I am speedrunning tomodachi life for the third time. I am obsessed with my nintendo, and I have had a recent attachment to mario carts. I snuggle in closer to my sheets, even though I'm boiling hot from the sun coming out my window. I have tried to keep calm and walk around Gothenburg. I ended up going to some places such as the Museum of Art, I brought mom along with me. We enjoyed the statues from there. I went to the botanical garden as well. I enjoyed the amazing flowers and plants.

Week four: The results. They will be here in exactly one hour, and thirty minutes. I look up at the clock from the kitchen, I don't like the constant ticking noise coming from it. Every time I hear the noise I jump slightly, but it wasn't too noticeable. Mom was at her job, she had set up an office in a spare room. I watched her type on her computer, typing at mach five almost. I felt like I couldn't stand still, I needed to get out now. I look at my phone, then back at the door. I needed to keep myself occupied.
"Mom! I'm going to my job! I'll be back soon!" I yelled to her from across the room.
"Stay safe!" I loved my job, that's hard to say for most people, I really did. It wasn't too overstimulating, and I got to express myself. I worked at an old music store. It had old records, instruments, and equipment for all your music making needs. That's where I purchased my electric guitar. I worked at the front desk, helping customers look at instruments and showing them around. It was a walking distance away from my house, only like five minutes away. Although I didn't have work, I liked stopping by and working anyway. I opened the door as a small bell alerted the other person working there. Her name was Alva, a nice girl, obsessed with guitar picks. She always wore her guitar pick earrings and necklace.
"Hej Alva! Hur mår du?"
"Romeo! I'm fine, I'm unpacking some new records if you want to help me with that," Alva replied. She was a person I admired. She had a hippie vibe to her, and wore vintage clothing all the time, even if she wasn't working. I would call her a friend, even though we haven't established our relationship yet. I don't know what we are, if i'm honest, maybe I should ask.
"What records do you have?" I ask her, helping grab some boxes from the counter. She opens them up and looks at the packaging.
"That new Ghost album, Prequelle. I see these guys everywhere I swear..."
"My friends love this band, they probably already have this record."
"People should appreciate the classics more."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, Queen, The Who, Black Sabbath, or some of that classic dad rock."
"You like some weird stuff, just kidding."
"You like Weird Al, you are one to talk to Romeo."
"When does your shift end? We should hang out or something. I never get to see you these days after my shift got moved."
"Shift ends in twenty minutes, sure you can wait for that long?"
"I got this, I need to keep my mind occupied these days."
"Oh yeah, the results! Have they not come in yet? You've been waiting for days! I'm ready to see those results myself actually."
"The results are coming in today actually, also it's been four weeks already."
"Damn-" The door opens, the sound of the bell rings for a bit before subsiding. A man, at least a bit taller than Alva comes in, hands in his pockets. He is dressed in all black, which is impressive since it's hotter than hell right now.
"Hello sir, can I help you?" He looks at Alva, makes no comment and goes over to the guitars. I decided to insert myself in his personal space, mainly because I like meeting weird people.
"Looking for a guitar? I'd totally recommend a Hagstrom Fantomen Electric Guitar. Best at the shop. You can also get them customized here, we put in an order with the company and ship it to you," I tell him. He looks at the guitars, before he writes something on a notepad. I felt myself staring at him for a bit too long as he waves his hand in front of my face. I snap out of it.
"Hey, here's my information. I want this guitar customized. The expenses will be paid by my higher ups," he handed me the note, the words were neatly written. I never noticed his demeanor, but he seemed to look over at me a few times, like he was doing a double take. Alva motions to the man to come to the front desk, which he does. His long hair swaying. They both talk about the specifications of the guitar, Alva types in her work computer and writes down everything he says. I feel a cold shiver run down my spine as I observe the mysterious man, something about him feels familiar, or weirdly supernatural. Alva and the man seem engrossed in their conversation, discussing the details of the customized guitar. I can't help but wonder who this man is and why his "higher-ups" are interested in getting him this particular instrument. The curiosity gnaws at me, pushing me to find out more about him.
With a bit of courage, I decided to strike up a conversation. "So, what brings you to our little music shop today?" I ask casually, hoping to glean some information about his background or interests. Mainly because I'm desperate to also have a conversation with someone.
He looks at me with a hint of surprise in his eyes, as if he hadn't expected me to engage in conversation. "I'm here on behalf of myself and some other people," he responds cryptically, his voice carrying a deep, resonant tone. "Im looking for a new guitar, my band has been annoying me to buy a new one so I could match the new lead singer." Alva interjects in the conversation.
"Must be an important lead singer, this guitar is going to cost an arm and a leg," Alva says, typing in some information on the computer. 
The mysterious man chuckles softly, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Important is both an overstatement and understatement. I like him and all, but he needs some time to adjust to the spotlight. He's very socially awkward. Not like our last singer."
Alva raises an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Oh? Mind sharing a bit more about your band? Perhaps I've heard of you before."
The man's lips curve into a wry smile. "We prefer to keep a low profile for now. I should be heading back to the car. I feel like I have overstayed my welcome." Alva finishes entering the information and smiles warmly at the man. "We've got all we need. It'll take some time to customize the guitar to your specifications, but I assure you, it'll be worth the wait."
He nods appreciatively, his eyes meeting mine once again. "Thank you both for your assistance. I have a feeling our paths may cross again in the future." Before I can respond, he turns and walks towards the exit, leaving behind an aura of enigma. I watch him disappear into the bustling street, my mind buzzing with questions and a newfound sense of curiosity.
"You should probably hang on to this," I handed over the note the man gave to me.
"He was nice, most people who come in here are though."
"Besides from that woman that came in for her daughter, remember?"
"Oh yeah, her daughter bought a My Chemical Romance record. Poor kid, never even got to listen to any of the music."
"Did that man feel off to you Alva? He seemed a bit off."
"No, he seemed normal. I never caught any bad vibes off of him. Maybe you did, but I was fine from over at the counter." Alva's response about the man feeling normal surprises me. Perhaps my intuition had gotten the best of me, and there was nothing inherently supernatural or peculiar about him. I ponder for a moment, considering the possibility that my imagination had run wild in search of excitement.
"You're right, Alva. Maybe it was just my imagination playing tricks on me," I say, trying to shake off the lingering sense of mystery. "He did seem like a genuine customer, albeit with an intriguing air about him. Anyway, let's hope the guitar customization lives up to his expectations. I wish I could afford another electric guitar." Alva nods in agreement, her attention already shifting back to her work. "Feel free to play some of the electric guitars there, not just for display." I go over to the guitars and pick up a random electric guitar.
"What should I play?"
"Something good, try playing something out of the nineteen nineties." I set up all the equipment needed and strummed a bit. Looking through my phone trying to find some sheet music, I saw I had an unread message. It was from mom. I opened the message app and saw a picture of an unopened envelope.
"It's here," I say quietly, but enough for Alva to hear me.
"What was that?"
"The results! They came in early!" I unplug all the equipment and put back the guitar quickly.
"Woah! Slow down! If you break that guitar it's coming out of your pay! What happened to spending time together after work?" I halt and look at Alva.
"Oh right. How about I help you close up, then we can go to my house."
"Sounds good, we should be closing up in five minutes." I go to the back room and grab a broom. After what seemed like forever, we had finished with work and were ready to close for the day. Grabbing her stuff, Alva was ready to go, she closed the door as we left and locked it.
"Alright, I've been dying to see what results come in," Alva comments.
"Me too, up to walk?"
"Only if your place is not too far."
"Oh! I forgot to give you this," I handed her my phone number.
"Finally, I thought I would get this ages ago," she laughs playfully.
"Well, I forgot, I'm guilty. Lock me away, officer." She punches my shoulder and we both walk the path to my house. I rub my shoulder, looking at her blue eyes. I blush a bit. She doesn't seem to notice, thankfully. The path home felt different, it was nice. As we walk along the path to my house, the setting sun casts a warm golden glow over the surroundings. The air feels light, and there's a sense of ease and comfort in Alva's presence. It's a stark contrast from the busy and mysterious atmosphere of the music shop we just left behind. We engage in light-hearted banter, exchanging jokes and laughter along the way. The conversation flows effortlessly, as if we've known each other for years. It's moments like these that make me cherish our friendship and yearn for more time spent together. The thoughts of the pending results momentarily fade into the background as we enjoy each other's company. It's refreshing to have a carefree moment amidst the uncertainties and stresses of everyday life. My house comes closer and closer until we both halt. I open the door slowly, so I dont disturb my mom from her work. I chuck my shoes in its designated spot as Alva does the same. I look around the living room, then walk into the kitchen, spotting the same envelope from the picture. Alva looks around, seeing me loom over the letter.
"Aren't you going to open it?" I take the envelope in my hands and tear the top open, doing it slowly, my hands shake in anticipation. I take the letter from the seal and fiddle my legs, Alva sits down at the table, looking at me.
"It's a QR code... the directions are telling me to create an account...," I say out loud. Alva helps me sign up for the website, the little computer AI shows us how to set up the results. I take my phone and scan the code, the anticipation in my heart makes it beat like a drum.
"What should I look at first? Family, or ethnicity?" I ask Alva
"Start with ethnicity." I click on the tab and it opens to a bunch of percentages.
"Wow, fifty percent Swedish, that checks out. And, fifty percent Italian? Damn. Looks like your dad comes from Italy. Maybe that's where he is," Alva comments.
"Italian? Weird, I always thought he was Swede. Maybe mom went to Italy at one point in her life. Or maybe he lives in Sweden, he is just Italian."
"Enough with the banter, I want to see who your family is! According to the website, they are partnered up with all sorts of DNA companies, so there is a high likelihood we can see who your family is."
"Don't get my hopes up. I want to know who my family is, as much as the next person. But, there is a likelihood that they never did any sort of DNA test," as I sit in my chair, I put my legs to my torso. Alva scoots closer to me and pats my shoulder.
"I agree that our hopes shouldn't be raised, but is it really a bad thing? At least we might find your secondary family, you could find them!"
You're right," I reply, taking a deep breath to calm my racing thoughts. "Finding any sort of connection, even if it's a secondary family, would be incredible. It's just that I've spent so long not knowing anything." I turn my attention back to the screen, focusing on the task at hand. As we click on the "Family" tab, the screen fills with names, matches, and potential relatives. The list is extensive, and it's a mix of excitement and trepidation as I scan through the names, searching for any familiar ones or potential leads.
"Looks like we actually found a match, look," Alva points to the name. Taking a closer look at the name I pause.
"I have a dad... I have a whole other family. Look at it Alva! His name is weird but I suppose that's because he's from a different country. But look! I have a grandpa, so many uncles! Oh! And a half grandmother!" I sound out my fathers name, saying it slowly.
"Looks like the tree doesn't go that far back, I think there is some information about your half grandmother. Click on her profile." I click on her profile, information floods the screen.
"It wont display her first name. She goes by an alias... Sister Imperator. Age, unknown, date of birth, unknown. Looks like there is an option to inform her that you exist, interesting."
"Explain the existing option."
"There's a button on the side of the screen. Basically press it and she will receive a notification saying that you took the test, and you're added on to the family tree."
"Should I do it?"
"It's your family, but I would say that... you should ask your mom first."
You're right," I nod, realizing the importance of involving my mom in this process. "It's only fair." With newfound excitement and a touch of nervousness, I close the profile and set aside the idea of reaching out to Sister Imperator for now. The focus shifts to sharing the news with my mom and seeking her opinion. I asked Alva to visit the living room so I could get a private moment with my mom. I go up to her office and knock on the door.
"Come in." She taps quickly, the coffee that she was drinking earlier probably turned cold.
"You probably already know why I'm here. But, I found out who my family is, including my dad." She sighs and stops typing.
"Thank you for keeping our promise. You can find him, i'm not going to stop you. But, I want nothing to do with him. Okay? Don't go around telling your dads family where we live. You should know better."
"But, what if he wants to see you?"
"Tell him I'm taken."
"But you're not." Mom puts a finger up to her lips.
"For now, we should create a code word if you ever want to leave a situation. How about it? I know that your grandmother would want to see you, so eventually you'll be going over to her house."
"Yellow grippy socks. They are my least favorite sock color so that should be the code. I could text you something like "I forgot my yellow grippy socks" and you could pick me up."
"Just remember to stay safe. Your fathers family is not normal, I suppose it's genetic. Distance yourself from the people that work for them. They are called ghouls."
"You'll find out soon what I mean. Come hither Romeo," Mom calls me over. She gives me a hug and a small peck on my forehead. "I love you. Don't forget that. I wont be mad if you want to spend time with your other family."
"Thank you mom," I squeezed her tightly.
"I need to breathe Romeo."
"Oops, sorry." I ungrasp my arms from her and rush to the living room. I slam on to the couch, scaring Alva.
"Let's go send that notification."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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