Ice Cream Days pt1

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5 years old

"Leon!" You giggled while running towards him.

"Hm?" He tilted his head.

"Let's go get ice cweam." You smiled hugging him.

"But that means I'll have to pay." He whinned while hugging you back.

"No! I'll do it." You looked up at him.

"Mother says for a date I have to pay."

Even at such a young age he was taught to be a gentleman. His blue eyes pierced into yours making the debate over. A smile painted his face making his cheeks look even chubbier. You smiled like it was an instinct and laughed at how cute he was.

"Let's go!" He grabbed your hand jumping up and down.

10 years old

You were licking your ice cream before it melted. Leon didn't get an ice cream. Instead he got a chocolate milkshake.

"I'm moving." You sighed.

"What?" Leon set his milkshake down staring into your eyes.

This was his way of asking if you're joking. He's always been able to read people's expressions like they're an open book. But sadly you weren't lying. Your parents got a new job and want to have a new beginning.

"We're moving next month." You said.

"You can move in with me." He was getting desperate.

"Leon, I can't do that."

"If it means you'll stay I'll do anything!" He gulped.

"I know but you should have a life without me. I can't be your only friend in life." You chuckled sadly.

"I don't need anyone else." He sighed.

19 years old

You moved back about a month ago. Plus you couldn't stand being away from him for so long so you would visit every month. Leon and you now live together, nothing could break you two apart.

"What are you planning to go into occupation wise?" You asked.

"Police department." He licked his vanilla ice cream.

"Need me to follow?" You chuckled.

"I'll always need you." He rolled his eyes.

Even when rolling his eyes you could hear the chuckle in his throat. Sometimes you wish he wouldn't laugh in the situation. Be serious. You're sure that you love him but does he love you in the same way? Everytime you see him you get lost in those shiny blue eyes.

"That's not answering my question." You replied.

"I'd love for you to follow. But you just moved back here." He sighed.

"I only moved back for you." You laughed.

"Then might as well continue our journey together." He smiled.

How that smile made your heart flutter. It's like he knows how to mess with your feelings. In a good way though.

"Your ice cream is melting." He laughed.

21 years old

"Disappointed that we can't get ice cream." You sighed.

This was both of your first day in Raccoon city. Doesn't seem to be going well at all. Leon's taking the whole situation worse than you.

"Honestly how can you be thinking of ice cream right now?" Leon shot a few zombies in the head.

"It's our tradition." You tried to sound offended.

"We should make this the new tradition."

"Says the one who is terrified." You chuckled.

"You don't have to lie, you're scared too." He rolled his eyes.

He wasn't lying one bit. You were scared and lying. Ever since you were little lying was a way to hide it. Plus many people believe it. Leon was always different.

"What's the next stop rookie?" You tilted your head.

"The library, we need to then go to the clock tower." He put the map in his pocket.

"Lead the way." You gestured your hand forward.

"It would be nice to have an ice cream right about now." He smiled slightly walking ahead.

24 years old

Leon was offered a job as a federal agent. He was going to take the offer but thought about you. How you both survived together. Without you he wouldn't have survived.

"I would only take the offer if you were going to work with me." Leon crossed his arms.

"You didn't even ask me." You laughed.

"I knew you wouldn't mind." He shrugged.

"What if I do mind?"

"Then you'd be making the wrong decision, think about we'd be able to be together more often." He smiled slightly.

After Raccoon city his smile has disappeared. It's barely ever seen. But somehow everytime you both get ice cream the past melts away. You both get calm and all that matters is the now.

"When do we leave?" You asked.

"Tomorrow, might be in training for a few years." He sighed.

"We'll survive that." You smiled.

25 years old

It's been a whole year of training. You've grown tired of the same cycle everyday. Leon was the only person who kept you going and not dropping out.

"Any news on when we can leave?" You asked.

"Nope, they act like we still have a lot to learn." He replied.

"But we don't. Everyday is the same." You sighed.

"Actually they said tomorrow we'll be starting something new."

"Which is?"

"We're starting our first mission, after we'll be coming back here and improving what we need to." He explained.

"Finally something new." You grinned.

"Heard that they got ice cream in the cafeteria today." He commented.

"Then we have to go! They never have anything good."

You grabbed his hand dragging him to the cafeteria. It was a huge place, easy to get lost. But once you're here for so long it's no longer confusing. The only thing on your mind was the ice cream.

27 years old

"Stay awake!" Leon kneeled next to you.

Salazar drained you of your energy. You've been injured so long that you lost a lot of blood and fighting him didn't help.


"Shut up! You'll be fine." He began to dig into his pockets trying to find something to heal you.

"Leon I have to tell you something just in case I don't make it." You coughed.

"I don't want to hear it." His eyes filled with tears.

"I love you. I always have, but if something happens to me you have to continue on. Save Ashley." Your hand rested on his cheek.

"Y/n, I just need you to stay awake right now." Tears streamed down his cheeks.

Your eyes grew weak. Before they closed you looked into his watery blue eyes. He regretted not telling you his feelings. Finally he found a first aid spray and sprayed it onto your wound. He picked you up and continued on after Ashley. He'll have to tell you after everything is over. Probably on one of those ice cream days.


Thanks for reading and voting! I hope you enjoyed, also there will be a part 2.

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