━ 𝐏𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝟗 Sealed Arena

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The arena that was sealed.. Due to VERY powerful energy unleashed by someone unknown. It was that lady.. She had no title so she was called "The Lady."


"I want .. a battle for our core. If they win.. They gain unusual power.. Deal?" The unknown lady said, as her appearance was a figure of scheme galaxys and nebulas around her.

"One strike.. And i am dead." The lady said.

In the unknown ladys vision.. That lady was just standing still.. As she was moving faster than light, she couldn't even see her movements.. As her crystal was pierced immediantly, As the shards of the crystal shattered.

"It had seems like i overestimated ur power." That lady now spoke, taking out the core of the unknown lady, emerging it to her heart.

"... " The unknown lady mumbled. "I didn't even se-"

"U are the first one i had ever dueled.. Yet after all those years, U are the only goddess i've killed. And.. i apologize for that." The lady said calmly, still managing to smile like an angel, now walking away.. 

As she walked by not realizing.. She killed the wielder of  an unusual lady from another book..

Article of Rememberance: Book of Angelic Imperity  ✹ 𝗩𝟯Where stories live. Discover now