━ 𝐏𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝟒𝟗 Oh, Who Is She?

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"Ah... The Universal Galaxy is starting to collapse.. Is that.. so?" A unknown lady said. She didn't have an aura.. Nor any divinity accesories. There was only a plain, white dress and long hair based on her appearance.

"I'll help then.."

The lady upon the faint clouds.. it show's the true future of the world only to her.

[ ? ]

"I'll go to the false

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"I'll go to the false.. And.. let HER sign my contract." She says, walking off.. in thin air. Sooner or later, she had already arrived to the false.

[ .. ? ]

"... Hello, acquaintance."  She had now approached to the False, but suddenly.. The False instantly kneels down.. of worship. That was the only time the false could ever rise to somebody.

"Your honor... do you want anything for me?" The False said politely.

"I need you to sign my contract. I know.. you are the strongest i've ever known, but you have never.. made me contract with you. Therefore, if i do contract with you.. i can gain every ability source you circulated." She says not in a forcing way. She even seemed harmless.

"Of course, Your honor." She says raising her arm.. as the soul entered the false's body.

"Thank you.. acquaintance." She said nodding, walking away as she blessed the false.

Article of Rememberance: Book of Angelic Imperity  ✹ 𝗩𝟯Where stories live. Discover now