This is important, I swear

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Scott Pov:

I was walking to my locker when someone pushed me against a locker, I screamed "What are you doing?!" Some guy, I think is name was Jason, snarled at me (furry??) "You little shit, you think just because you're Xornoth's brother you can get treated like some prince!" I was so confused, what did I even do, Hang out with the popular kids? That was my brother's idea! Speaking of the devil, I saw him storming over, fuming with rage, but Joey stepped in said something to him and strutted up to me and Jason. He walks up to Jason, "Hi, Jason, darling, can you please let the new kid go." What the fuck was he doing!? " he drops me and I quickly run out of there, but stay within hearing distance. Jason is blushing, does he like Joey? Are they dating? "UM... JOEY! why did you want me to drop him?" He strokes his chest, "Well  Xorny is his brother, so I'd appreciate it if you left him alone, sweetie." Jason flushed red even more and nodded, Joey then walked off, followed by Xornoth. I looked at Joey questioningly, "Did you actually mean all that?" Joey started cackling, "HAH, of course not. But I have that asshole wrapped around my finger." I chuckle, "Oh, good I was worried.." 

Authors note:

This is all set up for angst shit and drama in the next chapter, just you wait

(Also do you want a Circus au?)

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