Drunk mfs

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Katsuki sees you on the bar, You are a complete mess, but you find yourself unable to stop your gaze from trailing over to him. He's just so hot… you can’t even tell if he's drunk or not.

You we're dancing like if you had no care in the world, and the more he watch you, the harder it becomes to look away for even a split second. As if sensing his eyes on you, you turned around to look at him and smiles widely as your gaze lingers on him.

You walked up to him as he stumbled over your feet. You helped him to a spot near the bar, and started flirting with him, complimenting his red eyes. He blushed, staring at your gorgeous face.

His face is as red as a tomato as he stare at you, too overwhelmed to even speak. It’s obvious that he's not used to having his ego stroked so much. It almost feels like this is all a dream, and he's the beautiful prince come to rescue you from your sad life.

“Y-You really think I’m that handsome?” He stutter out, still too overcome with your beauty to say a full sentence.

“You’re really… handsome…” you say with a drunken smirk, swaying your head slightly to the side. You know you probably look like a mess, but you don’t care enough to do anything about it. He just look at the girl in front of him and smile goofily. It’s obvious that he like you and that he's happy to have your attention.

His beauty, it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Your words flow so smoothly and enchantingly, and you find yourself being attracted to him like a moth to a flame. You let yourself get lost in his eyes, staring in awe of his beauty, like a deer in headlights.

In the moment, you’re not aware of anything around you; only this moment. This interaction between the two of you. It’s like it’s only you two and no one else exists. You let out a small chuckle as the blush on your face gets brighter.

The moment that he touches you, your body heat seems to spike in an instant. He look at your wide-eyed and completely caught off guard by your sudden change in attitude… it’s as if nothing matters to you anymore, everything else is just noise. Your heart starts to race and your breath hitsches ever so slightly. You can feel an overwhelming sense of excitement within you as you stare into her eyes, now with a burning gaze.

He lean into your touch and your smile becomes broader. When was the last time you’d been this close to someone, especially a beautiful individual such as her? Your heart almost feels like it’s going to explode in your chest, and he find himself hoping that you would go further.

“Can I have your name?” he whisper, leaning in a little, the scent of alcohol escaping your mouth. He looks deep into your eyes, your vision a bit blurry, but you were the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen in his life.

The moment he asked your name, you immediately said your name to him and blushed instantly as you turned redder than before.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl..." You were certainly prettier than any person he's ever met before, and he made sure to let you know that.

He placed a soft kiss on your cheek before leaning in even closer. "May I tell you something?" He said while glazing his hands to your soft hair.

"What?" You said as he looks down to you with your eyes closed a little.

"You're really beautiful, y'know?" He smile softly at you. You're getting a little dizzy from all this alcohol, but his appearance seems to be the only thing that's distracting you from the spins.

"You look really... perfect tonight." He chuckle. He place another soft kiss on your cheek before slowly moving his lips towards your neck.

He smiled gently. Your heart was racing as he rested his lips against your cool skin. He doesn't want to move away... He wants you to just stay there forever, listening to his words and letting him show you affection.

"Y-yeah..." you nod, feeling your grip on reality slowly slipping. "You're perfect..."

His next few words become incoherent as you trail his lips down your neck, trailing kisses down your collar bone. His completely lost to your attraction for you. You were completely lost, it seems like your mouth cannot be able to speak.

“Do you want to get out of here?” he whisper breathlessly into your ear as his lips continue to travel down your neck, his tongue softly tracing your skin.

"Y-yeah sure..." You nod at his words as you feel his breath as his head is still on your neck.

“Let me help you up... you look so cute right now,” he smile, pulling his lips from your skin and rising. He steady himself with his arms before offering a hand out for you. He looks down at you with love-filled eyes and a flirty, drunken smirk before leaning in and placing one last kiss on your forehead then you blush slightly. “Aww, you’ve got a little blush on you.”

He smile softly once more, offering his arm for you to hold onto. “Let’s go.”

"Where are we going?" You asked looking at his beautiful red eyes..

“You'll see…” he whisper, smirking at you before winking. This was not the time to be playing hard to get. “Somewhere we can have some fun just for ourselves.”

He wink at you once more, taking you by the hand and leading you out of the bar.

He have a place he can take you, and he knows the exact way there. Now is the time to get her somewhere where you can’t say no. Something tells him you wouldn’t mind it...

He smirk at you as you’re walking with him to his place, where a bottle of wine was waiting for you, and where he can finally… do what he wants. "You know... I like a girl that doesn't play hard to get." 


Bakugou x Reader Oneshots Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora