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Wings had not always been around, Leo recalls fondly, though the reason they came to be is not something he knows the exact reason for, let alone why he also grew wings despite being a bioweapon, all he knows is they most certainly were not always around. The way history has rewritten itself, it appears that way, but it is not so and he often finds it amusing how humans rearrange things in order to make them make sense, completely destroying other things in the process. Of course, he's also curious, but it's been hundreds of years since wings came in, so they're less of a novelty and interest than they used to be, though demon wings still interest him. He had done tons of research and dove into all sorts of things and had decisively put the wings into three categories - common, rare and unique, and each one also has a similar personality type that sticks to their wings. Common wings are people who live normal, most likely boring lives and so they're the more common, slightly boring colors, with very little mix or extra.

Rare are those who have two colors, or a mixed color or even a slightly different texture, and they seem to be those that enjoy their jobs, lives and everything they're doing, despite its repetitiveness and everything, they find joy and are a bit more rare than others. Unique wings are exactly that, wings that are unique, being made of leather, feather and on the occasion, a mix of the two, being any and all colors, and these are the people that always catch his attention. They find a place for themselves, working extremely hard to get there, to achieve their dream or hope and ensure it goes well, most becoming successful adventurers, legendary scholars or kings/queens, and other such things, and he knew most of theme, before they died, back when they were newbies and sucked. It's always interesting to see how right - or more often wrong - the biography is. On top of that, all wings are usually the same height or so of the person they're attached to.

But the point is, he's been around since before wings first existed, and had even grown his own pair alongside everyone else once they randomly started, but he's always hidden his wings, seeing no reason to draw extra attention to himself considering everything he already does and how little he's changed in appearance. Even upon joining the demon army, he saw no reason to actually show his wings, leaving them as the tattoos on his back that they'd always been, since he learned you could hide wings. Sure he loves seeing Edvard's dragon wings, Lily's - surprisingly - soft leather ones, Mernes with his feathers, Echidna with her leather/whatever the fuck fairy wings are, and Shutina with her fairy ones, but he honestly loves more than anything that they are well cared for. It's a sort of well known secret that the state of one's wings shows how well loved and cared for a person is, since it's hard to preen and brush certain parts of them by yourself.

Leo knows damn well his wings are in horrible condition, since he never brushed them or anything and they've been hidden away for more than 2000 years, but he refused to have to deal with anything because his wings are a mess. The itching on his tattoo as well as the constant ache that formed recently are probably damn good signs they are approaching the state where there will be irreparable damage, but he still isn't exactly certain how to bring up the wings since none of the others have really asked him anything yet. ( They are curious, but it had not felt like the right time and in fact, they are going to fuck up his plan.) He's sitting in his room, cross legged on his bed, several papers in front of him with possible plans written out, but none of them see great and he runs his fingers through hi hair in agitation and stress, before flopping back, deciding to focus on the colors of the other wings to distract himself.

Edvard's are rare, as both dragon leather and being red, with hints of orange and a darker red mixed in. Lily's are rare as well, being a blue that blends into a purple from the top down, creating a beautiful view when she opens her wings, reminding him of paintings of old. Mernes are rare as well, with their gray color, spotted with a dirty gold color that almost makes him completely disappear at times. Shutina's fairy wings are definitely unique, especially given they are a dark purple that almost appears black, that bleeds into a pale purple that's almost pink but not quite. Echidna's are unique as well, being leather on top and bleeding into whatever a fairy wing is made of, going from a silver to a bronze from top to bottom, creating a sort of light effect when the light hits her right in a dark room.

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