Before marriage

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Payu was running a huge company and he was very rich..
He was the only son.
He was too busy in company that he was never involved in any love
Also he was not interested in love

His parents were so worried that their only son should get married and settle in his life

Also they wanted Payu to understand the sweetness of love...

Rain parents were working in the other branch of Payu's parents company
As they both were working they left Rain with his grandparents in a small town which was 2 hrs travel...away from the city...

Rain was very innocent guy...
He was soft.. tender and very silent...
He was so innocent that he has never watched any type of porn movies or videos in his entire life...

He was like one shining star in entire sky...

Let's start.....

Payu was in his office cabin where his parents come to visit him.

Payu : Hello mom and dad... why all of the sudden you came here to meet me..

Payu mom : We called you home to speak many times but it seems your not interested or bothered to come and ask what we need to speak...

Payu : Ohh mom when ever I come home you start bragging about my marriage and love all these...

But am not interested..

Payu dad : My son your our only son..
We want to see you be happy

Payu : Can't you see dad am super happy in my life...

Payu dad : It's not like that..
You need to understand what is love...

Payu: Please..!!!! again don't start...

Payu mom : Are you secretly in love with anyone..???

We are ready to marry you to anyone...

You like girls...???

You like boys...???

Payu : No ma...

Payu mom gets pissed off

Payu mom : Atleast do you like some animals...!!!
Am fed up of you...
Why are you like this...

Payu dad : Payu..!!! We are ready to accept anyone you like

Any gender doesn't matter..

Payu: Yes mom and dad I agree with you...
Even I am not bothered if it's girl or a boy but I don't feel like loving anyone..

I don't see that love like you both in any one else

I want to love someone like how you both love each other but it's never happening to me...

Payu mom : Payu my son enough of your lame excuses...there is a limit for everything...
Now I have decided I will search someone whom you should marry

Payu : Mom..!!! What is this...??

Payu mom : If you don't marry the person I search then don't ever come to me...
And don't ever call me as you mom...

Payu : Mom...

Payu mom : Don't call me mom...

Payu : Dad tell her na...

Payu dad : I can't do anything my son...
We have decided and came to see you today...

Payu : Okay then fine...

But I have some conditions...

Payu parents : What is it..???

Payu : I think I want to marry a guy...
I don't want to marry a woman... am not feeling like I will be attracted to any woman...

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