Baby is cute when jealous and angry

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It was noon and Rain was feeling better...

Payu still did not leave Rain to do anything...

Payu was in kitchen cooking food...

Rain was sitting on the coach getting bored...

So he thinks of watching tv and goes near to tv shelf and searches some old cds to play something and watch...

He found some cd 💿 of Payu business meeting and business party related 💿

Rain wanted to watch his husband old videos so he happily picks one 💿 and plays it...

At the beginning there was Payu speech and everything... Rain was so happy watching his husband...

But for Payu bad luck...

Video continues and in one part Payu was in a business party and was dancing with some random girl..
Rain gets so jealous and angry he forwards the video a little and again Payu was dancing with some other random girl...

That was it...

Rain got so jealous and mad...

He switched off the tv and goes to bedroom...

Payu : Rain... baby...!!!

Rain doesn't answer and keep his face so angry and goes off...

Payu was confused...
He did not know anything which happened...

He was just in the kitchen cooking food...

Payu runs behind Rain...

Rain goes to bed and sits crossing his hands...

Payu sit in front of Rain..

Payu : Baby what happened..???
I called you and you did not even listen to me...
And now your keeping your face like this...

Rain still doesn't answer anything and pouts his lips...

Payu : Baby answer me.. what happened..???

Rain : Don't talk to me..!!

Payu: why... sweetheart..??

Rain : I saw your old videos...

Payu : Ohh... which videos baby..???

Rain : You were dancing with some random girls in some business party...

Payu : Oh which one..
I think so it's very old videos na..??

Rain : Yeah...
But you were dancing with some girls...

Payu : Oh that's the reason your angry on me ah baby..??

Rain nodes his head so cutely...

Even when he is angry and jealous.. Rain was looking so cute...

Payu : My baby that's old videos and for that your getting jealous...

Now am married I won't dance with anyone except my baby..

Rain doesn't talk and turns his face cutely pouting his lips..

Payu : Sweetie please talk to me...
Being a company owner I should always put on a smile to my clients and I should be good with them na...

And I promise that after getting married to you am not even speaking to any girl probably...

Am being very loyal to my wife...

Believe me...

Rain : So now you won't dance with other girls right..??

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