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First, I want to give glory and honour to God for making it so, that a day like this has come.

A day where I can use my gifts: My writing skills to spread the gospel. It is indeed an honour.

Secondly, I want to say that none of what is written here is of my own accord, for if I speak on my own, then I shall speak foul. But it is the Spirit of the Lord who lives in me, that has inspired me to do this, and also to write the words that you read.

I am a Christian, and one of my greatest duties is to spread the gospel, as was instructed by Christ Jesus. And so, having being inspired to write down all the revelations and explanations from the Holy Spirit, while reading the Bible, God has made it so, that I am here today to finally make a move towards that cause.

Now, note that I am not a professional writer, in fact, I am an amateur, but this amateur is willing to be at the disposal of GOD.

This book is intended for all, especially Christians who are looking to grow in the spirit.

The journey of our faith is a crooked one, and without the help and guidance of the Spirit of God, we will fail, fall and falter. My purpose for writing this book is to spread the gospel, using the best way I know, Writing. It is also a means for me to gain more confidence in God, and in the essence of my discipleship to God.

Very Importantly, I hope that, by letting myself be at the disposal of the Holy Spirit, he will speak- write through me, in JESUS name, I pray, Amen.

I will be writing on whatever come to mind, as led by God.

Let us walk on this journey together.

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