Chapter 1- Ugh Alex you got us into this shit.

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This day was like any other day exept it wasn't. The squad signed themselves up for a train ride together. It would last for a week without stopping. 

So off they went to the train station with their suitcases. 

Levi- Alex isn't this a bit strange, You know being on a train for a whole week. I mean is that even possible?

Alex- Yes I know its weird but live with it Levi dont be such a wuss 😒 

Everything was running smoothly untill they had borded the train. 

Aimee (myself)- Welcome everyone to your first night on train yummy. You will all be doing tasks shall I say around the whole place starting tomorrow and if nothing is completed you will be staying for the REST. OF. YOUR. LIFE. *chuckles a bit* toodles. 

Alex- That was peculiar.

Jaxx- Alex why did you have to bring us here? we all know Sora is going to be left here which means I have to stay too. 

Sora- HEY thats not nice. 

Sora folded his arms and walked away from Jaxx to start talking to Light. 

Aimee- I'm backkk. Sorry to disappoint but I had forgotten to say something. You will have to kill eachother to get ou-


Aimee- Yes, yes you do but those have to be compleated so you can find the exit. You have to kill the rest to get out, Its a blood lock it needs blood to open. 

Levi- Couldn't we just prick our fingers and all leave?

Aimee- No its smart it knows that you used your own blood it must be that of anothers. The dead bodies will be monitored by the door somehow and detected. If there is only one survivor the door will know so therefore its all really up to the door. 

Charli- So where are we staying? 

Aimee- Your rooms will have your names and colours so you know who's is who's. The rooms are down the hall to the left. Come back here at exactly 10:00 for dinner untill then you can do what you would like. Have fun and best of luck. 

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