Chapter 3- The first of many

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During the night, Light messaged Levi to meet up with him in the hall since they figured out how to unlock the doors without it being 8am.

Light walked out of his room towards their place to meet up but whilst he was walking he had been grabbed. He tried to scream but it was no use the person had covered his mouth.

The person pulled him into one of the rooms and into the bathroom, The bath had been filled. Light was squirming about, trying not to die but as expected it didnt work. The person grabbed his head and dunked it into the water holding it in for about 20 minutes, Lights arms flapped around and his legs kicked however he ended up giving up, it was pointless.

Just to make sure Light was deceased. The person stabbed him 3 times in the head and left his body floating in the bathtub.


Everyone woke up and got dressed. They walked to the main hall to have breakfast and meet together.

Luca and Levi- Where's Light??

Alex- I don't know last I saw him was before we went to sleep. Maybe he's still asleep.

Luca- I'll go have a look for him.

Charli- I'll come too.

The two went on a scavenger hunt for Light hoping that he's alive.


Charli ran to Luca so fast, only to start breaking down when she saw Lights lifeless body floating in the deep crimson water. Both of them started running hand in hand to the others with tears falling from their faces.

Charli- G-guys Light.. Lights d-dead.

Alex fell to her knees in shock and horror, Her screams of hurt filled the room.

Charli- Luca he, he found him in the bathtub j-just floating there. He was probably there for a while be-because the water was completely red.

Charli charged her words at everyone, she spoke so fast it's surprising everyone was able to understand what she even said.

Aimee- Well, well, well it seems like Light the poor guy has died. I'm sorry for your loss Alex butttt we need to find out who has done it.


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