Chapter 10- the end.

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The morning had arrived and Jaxx had woken up early to get Aimee to shoot him as soon as possible. He walked over to the other end of the train and banged on the cart door untill she finally answered to him.

Aimee: Jaxx will you shut the fuck up people are sleeping. Its not even 8am yet.

Jaxx: Kill me.

Aimee: Fine if you insist.

Aimee pulled a knife from her nightgown pocket and traced his face gently with the blade as to not cut him just yet.

Aimee: Such a shame your going to die you were such a pretty boy.

And with that she stabbed him in the head, stomach and chest then left him to bleed out on the ground and walked away. Luca had knows Jaxx was going to die that morning so he skipled breakfast and dragged Soras desd body to the escape door and pressed his bloody hand against it. The door unlocked. Luca was guilt ridden and hadn't wanted to leave but how could he possibly win for those who had lost (quite literally they lost their lives) if he hadn't escaped. With that sinking into his mind he pressed the button on the edge of thr door causing the train to come to a halt and he stepped off not even looking back. He ran to the train stop he had seen a few miles up and turns out he had done a full loop of a track because he was at the same stop he had previously gotten on at.

The squads fallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ