Chapter 3: A Chromic Malfunction

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A sense of calm hung in the air, similar to that from after a horrific storm. Orange and Red were in their room, passed out from exhaustion with a dish empty, a golden brown crumble of what had once been within the tray. Blue tended to crops in his garden, harvesting the lush, bountiful yellow and red yields of crop with his tattered, green leather skin gloves. Yellow was tinkering with her menagerie of machines, the folder within which they lay ruffling and making all sorts of ruckus. Purple helped Green out, tuning up her sets of instruments, the two completely silent as they strung and tweaked. 

" are things with your new dad?" Green implored, checking the end of her guitar. MT had gone back after a while of tweaking his staff so it would be more "balanced" as he said it.

"Pretty good. "Purple responded, his eyes focusing on the joint of a noteblock. "He treats me well, takes me to fun places. Hell, he even helped me visit my mom's grave to give her a final, proper goodbye. Honestly, I'm still wondering why he wanted to destroy Minecraft.".

More silence, interrupted only by the creaks of gears being twisted and twangs of noteblock pieces. "What was she like?" Green voice was hush and slow, nothing but curiosity and wonder escaping her lips. She'd been meaning to ask him that for a while now but never found the perfect moment. "Your mother I mean.".

"She was....kind. And gentle." He stammered, his voice slightly shaky. Green's hand wrapped around his, allowing him to calm down. "She loved my dad a lot. And same with me. From how she acted, you'd never have been able to think anything bad of her."

He breathed heavier yet avoided eye contact. Green squeezed his hand with reassurance. "You don't have to say anything if you don't need to." she whispered to him, as he turned towards her. "Just breathe Purp. Breathe.". Her voice was shallow and hushed, her face mere inches from his. Her other hand held his face, keeping him at that single spot. Time seemed to stand still, all feeling leaving Purple's body as he closed his eyes. "Thank you." he muttered, feeling her breath against him.

A series of clangs and booms bought them back to reality. Green seemed panicked as she threw her arms chaotically, strumming several blocks in an unprecedented and irregular melody. Both she and Purple spun their heads towards the source of the commotion. Blue peered out of the fenced off garden, several bees hanging around him as he held tulips. Yellow peeked out of her folder, her glasses sifted slightly, a redstone torch in her hand. The group heard a strange buzzing sound from within chrome. 

"Guys can you keep it down?" Orange begged, blundering out of the house half asleep with Red on his back. "That wasn't any of us." Purple replied, pointing at the buzzing Chrome. Yellow leaped down, clicking on the icon.

A flash of white light. The chrome tab opened up, knocking Yellow, Green and Purple into the air. The light was a deathly bright hue of white as the Stick Fight Page Tab pulsed. Blue used a fishing rod to grapple over to the settings and lower the computer's brightness. Red slipped off of Orange, both of them groggy and alert. The six sticks approached the source of the chrome tab's malfunctioning: A white portal, similar to the one Chosen had come through months prior to defeat the vira-bot. Except this one pulsed a dark shade of some kind every few seconds.

"Where do you think it leads to?" Yellow asked, approaching the strange hole in stick space time. "Don't!" Orange exclaimed, pulling her arm back and keeping everyone from going near it. "Don't make a repeat of EVERY other time something like this happened. Just "he breathed heavy, grabbing Blue and throwing him away from it" ignore it.".

"How are we supposed to ignore this?".

"It's right there!".

"Doing nothing might be what causes something bad to happen.".

"Lemme just see it closer, it can't be that bad.".

Everyone was squabbling, arguing and bickering over the strange "thing" that pulsed in front of their eyes. 


Within the instant, all shouting quelled, all hand gestures faded, all movement slowed to a halt. No one made a sound as they stood, feeling the presence of her eyes, a redstone torch searing bright red in one hand, the command staff in other. Her mouth was hidden from the torch's ominous glow but her eyes were illuminated daggers of ice. She slapped her torch against her palm, like a school teacher whacking a ruler, glaring a look that would kill thousands in a second. Nobody dared breathe aloud, fearing what she would do. 

Then, her demeanour softened, her face less terrifying, her mouth visible. Yet her eyes contained that piercing, commanding look. "Now I have your attention, here's what we'll do." she stated, gripping the stick of the torch tighter. "Y'all will stay back" the voice of hers commanded "and I'LL check it out. Understood?".

"Now hold on Yellow, you can't just" Orange stuttered. Yellow shot her face in his direction with a glare as he fell silent. Looking back across the group, she repeated "UNDERSTOOD!!?". All heads off the group nodded, none daring to let their tongue's slip as Orange had.

Yellow approached the portal, holding the command staff in the hand farthest from it. Her hand outstretched, groping at air, reaching to it. Blue reached out a hand to try help but Red put it down, reminding him who they were dealing with. Her hand closest to the portal began distorting as she swiftly pulled it back. Using the torch, she touched the pulsating "edge" of the disk. 

What followed was a series of crackling and snapping of light as the torch was jerked out of her hands and warped and twisted around the outer edge of the portal, giving it a red, disk like outline. The outline of a figure could be seen, small as their hands, seeming to grow larger. The Portal disappeared as the whole Chrome tab seemed pure white with the tabs visible at the top. 

The group scrambled, climbing up to the tabs to try close Chrome. The shaded, blurry figure seemed to be growing larger: or perhaps it was getting closer. Whatever the case, one thing was clear to all: DO NOT WAIT TO FIND OUT!!!

Orange and Blue scrambled up to try press the large red X, but found it to simply shatter at their slam. Yellow selected the Chrome Icon and stamped on "End Task" along with Red, but still no effect. Purple blasted himself with rockets to the tab directly, slamming fist, after fist, after fist into the white cross. Each slam only sent out a shockwave that kept pushing him and Green back. Yellow applied a number of strengthening effects to everyone as they began trying to destroy Chrome itself: Blue and Red trying to pull out the Taskbar icon, Orange, Green and Purple punching at the screen, Yellow sending mass explosions at the Tab icon.

Nothing worked. The figure's face covered most of the screen as they collided. In an instant, they seemed to shrink, as though their size had been magnified by some kind of optical lense scope. The whole Chrome page shattered into large pieces, trapping Purple, Blue and Red under debris. Green and Orange climbed the sides of the screen for safety. The figure fell from the centre of the screen, right into the heart of debris and Chrome rubble.

MT stared in disbelief at the sight before him: sticks scrambling under piles of smouldering Chrome tabs, debris and wreckage.

"What the hell happened in the 1 hour I was gone?".

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