Chapter 10: The Woodland Mansion (Part 2)

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Blue pocketed hundreds of potions and stacks of apples, glistening with gold. The room bustled as mobs wore different coloured headbands for coordination. Blaze, Skel and a few others adorned shimmering yellow. Magma Cube and Slime, both as large as a house, wore green headbands, accompanied by their group mates. Red drew a shimmering black axe head, glowing with a purple hint, before placing it on a stick, coveted in blaze powder and spicy, thick magma cream.

All gathered close to Herobrine as they placed arms on Ghast, Blaze and Skeleton, Felix and his cousin, the cave spider, Carl. In the blink of an eye, as they all nodded, he was back, with them being gone. Up above, the sounds of boom and roars were mixed with what could only be described as flames and twangs.

Herobrine put his hand on the shoulders of Violet, Slime, Magma Cube, and Wither Skeleton. In an instant, they had disappeared. Red passed some cooked mutton, coveted in glistening gold, to Zombie whom wore a bright neon blue headband. The next few groups were gone in flashes, and soon, it was only him, Blue having gone with the "Silent but Deadly" squad as he had aptly named it.

Sparks soared as Red finished shaping his heavy, Netherite Axe. The purple glow made the cave sparkle as he pulled torches off the walls. His footsteps echoed through the dungeon, making him aware of how big the mansion may be if this was only its dungeons. He heard the familiar "Blip" warping sound as Warden appeared behind him, significantly damaged. Herobrine was next to him, his shirt even more tattered than before.

"Graugh.....Cracks more....." Warden grunted as a shower of XP rained from Allays nearby, causing his fur to grow and his arms to lengthen to the ground. Herobrine touched Red's shoulder, a pale look in his eyes. "This can't fail." he said, beak as Red felt the sensation of floating, the dungeons around seeming to dissipate. "But just in case....".

Red didn't hear the last part. His knees buckled as the white eyes man whom had spoken to him was gone. There was no more scent of fungal skulk, no more large expanse of a dungeon where he could hear his footsteps. Red grabbed onto a nearby bookshelf, steadying himself, his ears ringing. Outside, he heard bangs and explosions and shrieks and.....and....

Red gripped his head, feeling it seemingly split open as he prepared to lurch and hurl on the floor. The ground was shaking and uneven and the fires blazed hot, and the explosions rumbled ballistic. Yet, through thickets of broken wall and overturned chairs and thick black smoke, he could see flashes of light. There were swirls of coloured mists and fogs, and maniacal laughs of a man who knew not death or fear.

Picking up his axe, he felt it light weight from the enchantments and darted. Every muscle of his body was ready, his arms poised as he saw the great hulking beast: a tremendous titan, larger then the walls, slamming and smashing its way through the corridor. It's eyes and nose were piercing white, like that of a supernova. Its jaw was unhinged, flat, huge teeth mere inches from Blue's face, ready to effortlessly decapitate his skull from his shoulders.  

Yet, with the great gaping jaw snapping shut, Red swung hard. His blade increased in its size as he threw all his might into a shocking smash that sent the beast keeling. Yet, Red merely leapt as Blue used a shield to push him up. No quicker as the Ravager had recovered, Blue was obscuring its vision with his firework crossbow, spraying explosive colour that caused the mad thing to roar in pain and anger. His other hand swung up, hitting his companion with bottles that clouded everything of him in smoke. Only Red's eyes, black slits in white pupils were visible, his axe head larger then his arms and refracting the gleam of the Ravager's roar.

The axe head struck, sending a flash of light as Red buckled, now defenceless against the beast. He felt a tug on the shoulder as the broken jaw snapped forward, causing a light breeze to smack him like slime. The ground slithered as bone like tendrils, coveted in blue, furry moss struck their foe from below. Red's eyes were in shock as a pair of aqua arms gripped the face, seeming to hold the creature's mouth wired shut. He witnessed an emerging Warden, hunched over, his chest visibly powerful as he lurched upwards.

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