Chapter 4: Father?

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"What the hell happened in the 1 hour I was gone?".

Red, Blue and Yellow rummaged through the smouldering debris. Orange pointed to the fractured Chrome icon on one of the piles of fractured tab. A dark blue Arm pushed aside the mountain. 

"Is that...?" Green stammered as Purple helped her out of the wreckage. The figure looked familiar as she turned Purple's face with a hand in the direction of him. A sense of stinging, of pain and of spite grew as, despite the smoke clearing, something about this person sent the whole screen into stinging uncertainty.


The words escaped a pair of lips that seemed to have not spoken in days. Months. Years. Navy stood a similar height the MT one the large wreck, his face dirty, dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. His Jacket seemed stained and torn, his pants covered in muck.

"That's your dad?" Red exclaimed, breaking the ever tense silence. Purple's lip quivered as he shook his head slowly, to Navy's surprise. "S....son don't you..?" Navy began to stutter, hoping to have seen things wrong.

"That can't be Purple's dad. I'm his dad." MT proclaimed to this strange new person, putting a hand on Purple's shoulder as he stood behind him. "Ha ha ha. Very funny joke kid. But we all know I'm your dad. And I don't know who this imposter is. "He said, pointing the last bit at MT.

"Imposter? I'm his foster dad." MT replied, keeping hiss cool as best he could.

"Well your fostering time is up. The kid would OBVIOUSLY wanna be with his real dad. "He said as he walked over." Ain't that right, champ?".

"Get your hands off him." MT snarled, pushing Navy away. "You can't tell me what do, "foster dad". I'm his true father. I bet you picked him off the street and made him become your son to help you with cleaning your house or summin." Navy snarled back, eyes glaring at this imposter in his son's life.

"I don't care if you're a god. He's my son and he stays my son. If he's your son where have you been this whole time, huh?" MT pushed Navy back. Green pulled Purple silently out of the way as the two men stared at each other. If looks could kill, both would've been ashes. 

"Move out of my way." Navy said, his voice piercing with danger as he took a step forward.

"Make me." MT replied back, towering over the other figure, his eyes slits of white, concealed, seething rage.

"I said, get out of my way!!" Navy raised his voice as he charged forward with terrific speed.

"And I said" MT caught Navy with one hand by the waist as he almost bolted past him "MAKE ME!!!".

Navy was thrown back far as he hit the pile of debris. Keeping his footing, he cracked his knuckles and slammed a clenched fist into his hand, gearing for another charge. MT shifted his footing, keeping his eyes on his opponent. He pulled from his back the his staff, a bright block of iron gleaming within. Navy scoffed as he pulled out his pocket knife and a strange bottle from which he took a swig.

Suddenly, Navy leapt forward with the ferocity of a Jaguar. MT swung, grazing his knees as he blocked the pocket knife with his staff. He threw Navy, trying to get the knife out of the iron block, up in the air flying. Rearing up, he angled his staff directly for the abdomen. 

Navy grabbed MT by the face on his decent, throwing him off balance and slamming the staff into the ground and causing the iron block to fly out of reach.. The staff flew a few feet away as Navy begin swinging with the Knife. MT Dodged on the ground, only to feel a sharp kick in the abdomen. He swept his opponent's legs as he grabbed his staff, blocking more thrusts of the sharp metal blade. 

A bright flash and Navy had his eyes covered. The glistening gold block left a sparkling contrail of shimmering streaks as it swung and locked onto the knife. The force of the knife's thrust sent MT off balance again as he was tackled, staff knocked aside. Navy pummelled MT on the ground, not allowing him to get up as he punched. He raised his blunted blade high, aiming for the head. MT closed his eyes, awaiting the slash into his face as he was welcomed with death's sweet release. Yet, he felt Navy thrown off of him, seemingly easy. 

All eyes watched Navy hoisted by the leg, a good few feet in the air. The Creator flung him into debris before fishing him out and drawing a solid line box around him. MT was picked up too, being placed in a separate box. Alan Cursor was silent, yet  a silent annoyance of deathly sorts radiated from him. A text box appeared.

"You guys ok?" He asked the stick's on the other side of the screen. Navy Punched at the walls of the box, only to hurt his hand on impact. Alan hovered before the two before typing "Does anyone know if these two can be trusted?".

"You can trust my dad" Purple said, clambering into Animate. "Which one's your dad?" Alan asked, keeping itself within range of the two sticks. Purple pointed towards MT as Alan removed the box around him.

"PURPLE!!! WHY WOULD Y-!!!?" Navy yelled before getting cut off by a hand wave from Purple. "C'mon dad." He said, taking his shocked father's hand and picking up the staff. "Let's go.".


Purple continued walking, trying to tune out Navy's cries. The tensions was building again as his every step toward the portal seemed thunderous.



His shriek of anger was shrill, sharp and daggered. The tension seemed to be at an ear splitting high as Purple gasped, his eyes not even looking at Navy as he spoke.

"You never saw me as your son so why now? Why now and not all these years? Why not on my birthday's? Why not on your wedding anniversary? Why not when she was on her death bed?".

"S...son....." Navy muttered,  his legs shaking.

"Don't call me that." Purple spat back, a look of disgust and anger in his eyes. "Don't call me that after all you did. You never cared. Not when I was too injured to continue training. Not when Mom tried to protect me and allow me to have a childhood. Not when I had to FUCKING bury her alone.".

The silence was defeaning. Navy collapsed to his knees, his hand stretched forward toward Purple. "S.....son...".

"And you know what hurts the most?" he asked, his eyes stinging with tears. "Not that you left. Not that mom never smiled or tried to move on. Not even that she thought of you when she was dying. What hurt most was that I considered you someone I could look up to. I considered you as my dad.".

The last statement hit like a plane. Navy collapsed to his knees, a pained and distraught expression on his face. Purple walked towards the portal, MT standing frozen.  Purple disappeared through the portal, Green chasing after as Alan moved Navy's box to the bottom right hand corner of the screen. A large, dark grey screen of sorts was placed over the box, just thick enough that Navy was unseen, but light enough that you could still see his figure.


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