Chapter 1

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written by x3kristax3

I wake up to a pounding headache and a horrible taste in my mouth. My eyes are still closed but as I open them I see I'm not home anymore. I'm laying on a cot and I see a bucket and a wooden chair. I'm so confused on where I am but all I hear is dripping water coming from outside. I remember waiting for him for our anniversary date but then I don't remember much after that. This pounding headache probably isn't helping my memory at all either.

You see, I met him two years ago. I was at a flower stand with the man I was supposed to marry, however he was trying to buy my least favorite flowers. I was heading to my favorite when he kept grabbing my hand. I am stubborn which is very unlady like and refused to let him buy the one's he wanted simply because they were cheaper. However, I noticed this man standing in the shadows of the alleyway. He was keeping himself hidden from the crowd, or so he thought, but I noticed him. Something about him filled me with feelings I sure didn't have for this other man. In that moment of staring at him the man pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me.

You see, my family wasn't doing well with the trade business my father had. This man's family had made a deal with my father to help keep his business afloat if I married their son. When I met this man I was not a fan of his due to his reputation in this town for treating women like property, to him that is all I was.

As I looked back to the alleyway the man I saw before was gone and I felt my body being pulled in a different direction. I tried to stop him but he refused to listen. All of a sudden I see someone step between us and stop him.

"She wants to go somewhere else. Were you not taught to treat a woman with respect?" this man says. All I see is his back but he's wearing the same as the man I saw in the alley and my heart I swear stops.

The memories of those following weeks flood me. He got in touch with my father and helped me in exchange for me not having to marry that man. He never told me about his past or what he did when he wasn't helping my father with the trade business. However, I knew his name was Jake and he called me MC. He had a huge house in the town which helped my father understand that was able to take care of me if we went that path. It didn't take long for those feelings from the market to come back, watching him with my father working and coming around as much as he could. He finally asked me to be his and I accepted because for the first time in my life, I wanted it with this man.

Him asking me was a year ago today. He had this plan for today but refused to tell me. I was waiting at my parents house alone for him when someone broke it and took me.

I'm laying on the bed hoping for him to save me soon when I hear someone come and unlock the door. I jump up and this man is standing there with a stew and water for me. He doesn't say anything at the moment but puts it down on the chair. As he goes to leave someone else comes in.

"Look lady, all you have to do is tell us where that man in your life finds the secrets that he keeps and sells." this unknown man states.

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" I yell. "He works the trade business is all I know" I start to cry because they must have me confused me with someone else.

I hear the man laugh "oh sweetheart, we know you're lying so this is going to be easier if you just tell us everything" he says as he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the room. There is no point in fighting this man, I feel too weak already. He pulls me into a room and ties me to a chair. I look around and see different items for torture and I still think they have the wrong person.

The man turns to me and grabs my face, "Look MC, just tell us where Jake gets his secrets and who he sells them too." My eyes might get wide and scared as I'm unable to say anything as the man knows my name and Jake's name. "Acting like you don't know his secrets isn't going to help you because we will just get you to talk," the man says, letting go of my face and turning away.

"Sir, I really have no idea what you are talking about. My Jake works the trade business. He doesn't find people's secrets and sell them," I cry out.

Trap of Lies - Duskwood AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon