Chapter 3:

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Written by: a-glimpse-of-fantasy on tumblr

I was a tad late in arriving at the square, where I am supposed to pick MC up. I am surprised to see that she's still not here, for MC was always precise on time. I still decide to wait for a little, for I have heard that women take much longer for dressing up.

It may take her more time today, for today is our first anniversary. I have made quite the effort as well, I am wearing these fancy clothes today. I prefer dark clothes on a usual day since it helps me conceal my presence. But for this day, for the love of my life, I have dressed in this navy blue coat, a light blue waistcoat donned with silver thread along with matching breeches. I am to swear to god, I would never have worn such a fancy dress, never in a million years, if it was not for this woman.

I tap my cane on the ground repeatedly, as I grow uneasy with the passing minutes. No matter how important of a day today is, MC being this tardy was unusual. I turn to signal Luke, a boy in my information guild, to get closer.

Luke is a boy, age around fifteen, who gathers hints at the square. The shop owners around have good relationships with the boy, who takes note of the little gossip they blabber. If a wealthy man is drifting from his usual path for a moment, a dignified woman seems to have a dirty affair with a new rising businessman and the list goes on.

I am the leader of the country's largest information guild, I have thousands of men and women working under me. People would say we collect and hide secrets, but that is not all for it, I swear.

This is the truth that I have been hiding from her for such a long time.

That day, two years ago, when I saw you at a flower shop...You who were arguing with your fiance for your favourite flower gave off such a unique aura. Forgive me for not having known your name, for you are such a brave, truly dignified, wise woman.

From that moment to this day, I have always worked hard to have you, to make you my woman. Even hiding who I am and what I do for a living. Still, I couldn't bring myself to lie about my name, so I revealed my real name to you, only for you. I have never been grateful that I did not choose to use a pseudonym for myself. Even so, since you are a smart woman, you realized I was quite enigmatic, early on.

This truth I intend to hide from you for another day, another day, one more day.

Even if I am to lie in front of the god himself, I'd do anything to hide it from you.

When I said I'd tell you when the right time comes...

Forgive me for having no such time.

There is no right day for you to know the truth. For your safety and my greed, you shall never learn anything. I intend to deceive you till death makes us apart.

I ask in a quiet voice, almost a whisper, "Did MC not arrive yet?"

The chestnut-haired lad ruffles his hair, perplexed. "What? The lady never arrived here."

I frown. Depending on the circumstances, I'd have dragged him by the collar. "What do you mean never arrived?"

"Did you not change the rendezvous?"

Pray to tell, what the hell is this guy blabbering on? "What nonsense are you talking about? Have I done such an inconvenient thing ever?!"

Blinking, Luke states, "I know right? I told him that leader wouldn't do so, but Mark said to mind my business." Now shrugging, he continued. "The lady got on a carriage and asked to drop her at the fair."


Something is off.

"Who informed her of the changed rendezvous?"

Luke tilted his head, "Hm? The new guy did. The guy leader introduced to the lady the other day, one that came from a countryside branch. She had dropped the bracelet, the one leader gifted her. He gave it and said you told him to give it."


"Yes." Nodding, Luke confirmed.

Just what is that guy plotting?

Richy Rogers.

That man was hired only to work for the face of the guild, which was a trading business to the oblivious. This man was never let inside the guild even though it has been nearly three years since he joined.

My hunch was right in the end.

For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to trust that guy. I should've snapped his head the moment he appeared in front of me.

A spy. Let's see where this is going...

But first, MC was the priority.

"Send a pigeon. Let everyone know, Richy Rogers and MC. If one of them is located, they'd receive ten-thousand pounds. Anything unusual as well. Each will gain ten thousand if they're to work in a group, so no need for competition." I stop a little, contemplating. "Rogers has to be found with his life intact, doesn't matter how beaten as long as his mouth works. MC, of course, shouldn't be touched. Anyone who did, will not see the sun another day, whether they work under me or not."


The lad swiftly disappeared among the crowd. I am headed to the fair first.

I wanted to hide this from you...forever. Even if I had to blind you, put you in a cage, I wanted to hide the truth from you...

Who knew this is how things would proceed? I was careless.

I am burning with rage. For every soul involved in this, I shall show them what living hell means.

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