Chapter 2

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 This was written with diariodelissa.

⚠️Warning: Blood, physical violence, intention of rape

The evildoer doesn't believe my words and slaps me. Terrified, I feel the blood dripping down my delicate face. I keep insisting, "Sir, my Jake is a simple merchant," I begin to tremble with fear.

The thug calls another man and shouts, " this bitch won't confess, I am sure she is hiding something from us. "

I look around, looking for a way to escape, but I can't find it. I am definitely at the mercy of the criminals. I feel the hot tears streaming down my face.

At this instant, quite annoyed, the second criminal pulls my hair and slaps me again. Due to the force of the impact, I end up falling off the chair.

He leans over and threatens, "I think I'm going to enjoy taking Jake's girl virginity," he rips off my dresses as I defend myself, quite terrified. I try to protect myself with my fingernails and hit the criminal, who gets even angrier and tries to kiss me. His fetid tongue tries to run across my mouth. Scared, I bite down hard on his lips, which bleed profusely. I feel his disgusting blood on my lips and start to feel nauseous.

The other man, who appears to be the leader, pulls his accomplice away from me, saying, "I think we'd better wait a little while, if we leave her without food and drink, she will confess, otherwise we will be forced to torture the MC."

I breathe a sigh of relief, as I have managed to buy some time. However, the two thugs start kicking me, shouting "I think this will help you remember, dear."

Finally, the criminals retreat from the room and lock the door. I get up from the floor, bruised, and straighten my torn robes, I notice a trail of blood on the floor.

Even though I am weak, I walk around every corner of the dimly lit room to try to escape, but to no avail. The environment is quite inhospitable, dirty, but seems to be a fortress.

Feeling quite vulnerable, I start thinking about Jake. I have loved him since the first time I saw him, and I feel his love for me, especially in the moments when we kissed ardently. Last time, he was especially tender. He said that I was fascinating.

However, he has always been rather enigmatic. Several times when I asked him about his past, Jake kept his mouth shut. He said that when the time was right, he would tell me.

I lean against the wall, unsure of what my future holds while here. I rip off a piece of dresses that is already torn and wipe my face that feels covered in blood, unsure if it's all mine. I fall to the floor unsure if Jake even knows where I am. If only I could have gotten him to talk about what he wasn't telling me. I could give the criminals what they want and get out of here.

However, he never told me. I don't know if he didn't trust me like I trusted him or he just didn't want me to know. Until this moment, he never gave me a reason to doubt the life we have built these last two years, or the love we have shared, but how can I give them the information they want without betraying him. Instead of trying to figure out how to get out of this room since there is no way my mind wonders.

A year ago he asked me to be his forever, it was nothing short of amazing and I knew he had asked my father in advance. My parents adore this man for saving their business and their only daughter. He had pulled this simple gold band while down on one knee and I swear the whole town heard me scream yes in the middle of the square where we first saw each other. However, now my mind wonders what he's been hiding from me.

As my mind wanders to him now, I feel myself getting angry but I calm myself down because it won't do any good sitting in here.

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