Chapter 6

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written by @pahinanoel 

warnings: violence and language.

Usually, riding Midnight in the darkness is one of my favorite things, it is the place where I feel the freest. I can weed through all of the thoughts I have about the job. I can ponder all of my love for MC and remember all of the beautiful moments that we have shared, dream of all of the ones that I have planned.

I haven't had as much time lately to escape like this, choosing instead to spend as many nights as I can with her and complete many tasks late at night. I often take the overnight tasks of gathering information. The truths of the truly evil men came out in the wee hours of the morning. There are some secrets that only I should carry and some places that only I should go to gather them. In truth, I don't trust anyone with the secrets that I gather while the sun sleeps.

Tonight's ride holds no calm for me, it holds no quiet repose. It offers no comfort. It does, however, fuel my desire to find her and to make Richy and all of those involved in her abduction suffer the utmost pain before they eventually meet their death. Their punishment will be slow and excruciating and justified completely.

The crescent moon hangs low in the night sky as the hair from Midnight's mane swirls around me in the cold air. My jacket, black as the night, offers me much in the way of secrecy, but little in the form of warmth. She is the only one who can warm all my heart's corners. In her presence alone do I feel alive. Even now, with her being gone for such a short time, I feel the death in my soul, the result of our separation.

This feeling of isolation pushes me harder, "Midnight, my dear, sweet friend," I whisper into the horse's ear, "Boy, can you go just a little further? We are so close." The horse whinnies its resolve and picks up speed, It is as if the creature truly understands the importance and urgency of this ride.

"At last, " I speak to the horse. In the distance, a small cottage appears. It looks like any other country home. In the daytime, you can observe a stable for some horses, a field with cabbage and corn growing, and some fruit trees that have long ago submitted their leaves to the gods of Autumn. There is a pond is a place that houses many animals and is a nice resting place for migrating birds. On the outside, this cottage looks like paradise, the rolling hills in the background create a backdrop that is breathtaking. In the night, however, it is ominous and foreboding. The trees curl around sweeping their arms into challenging poses, and the sounds of the animals turn into howls and cries in the night. The building itself creeps up on you like a monster lurking in the corner of a child's bedroom.

The inside of the building carries that same sense of dread, or danger, and deceit. I know what I am about to enter and straighten my back as the guard approaches. He is dressed in farmers clothes with a scruffy beard and worn-out shoes. Hiding in the shadows, he would be unnoticed by the normal passerby.

Out here, the men know what I look like, what my horse looks like. They also know that I am expected to be met at the road. This ensures my safety, but also the safety of those inside. While I don't have much compassion for my employees, I can't afford to lose the secrets that they hold. People are expendable to me, all except her.

I look into Midnight's eyes and rub his chin. "Thank you for the safe journey." I look at the guard and lower my voice, the anger bubbles close to the surface, "Colin, please make sure the horse has food and water and a couple of carrots. " I nod at the man.

"Yes Sir," he responds, lowering his head, trying not to make eye contact with me.

I take a minute. I need to discuss this with the right person. It has to be someone that is just afraid of me enough to tell the truth, but it can't be someone who will simply fill my ears with noise.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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