important announcement

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i've talked about this in the Q&A in "the red halo:outset" "the hero made of iron" and "the smartest person alive" so i'm just going copy the part i want to talk about here, 

So why do i want to about this stroy, well i need to be honest with all, i sort of have rigged the votes for the new deck.

I didn't use a fake account to vote or anything like that. I just redid the poles so the deck that I wanted to use would win and I am sorry for that.

Why am i saying this now?

Well the deck i'm using in that story is "dragon link" and why am i using this deck? Well it's the deck I use to play in master duels. And I have fun playing that deck in master duel. Then I realized I didn't like the deck because it was fun, it was because I was winning a lot with the deck.

You see, dragon link is a meta deck and just like must meta decks, it is all about trying to end on a board full negates, preventing the other player from playing the game.

Now that's what must people see yugioh now and then. Trying to end with a board that makes a no winning chance for the other player and prevents the other person from playing the game which leads to people calling yugioh unfun.

Now that's what most meta decks and stun decks try to do, preventing you from playing the game. Which can be very annoying to those who just want to play the game. Because I have dealt with bullsit stun decks like eldlich with skill drain.

Now I can somewhat understand this because when it comes to the championship, it's all about winning so you would make sure your opponent doesn't have a winning chance.

But for those who just wants to play the games usually gets fucked over by the meta

Epsicaly when players take a certain card from an archetype that was meant to play in that archetype and splash them into their meta decks for bullshit combos.

It happens with many cards

Brilliant fusion was meant to be played in gem knight but people splash that card in their own deck that didn't play gem knight all that much so they can summon gem knight seraphinite because people weren't happy with just one normal summon.

And predplant verte anaconda was banned because many people used it to cheat out dragoon when you obviously know that it was meant to summon starving venom fusion dragons much easier. You're meant to target super polymerization to copy its effect, then make one of your opponent's monsters a dark attribute monster and summon starving venom fusion dragon. But no, people used it for bullshit dragoon.

What i'm saying is that the meta can be not fun at all and the only reason i wanted borrel/rokket to be the deck that won the pole is because i was playing it in master duel where i was winning with the deck because i was negated my opponent's card effect and was preventing them from playing the game.

And because of that i'm not really having fun writing "the rokket duelist" and Reggie Fils Aime once said

"If it's not fun why bother"

If you want to write a story of your own, then make sure you're having fun writing that story because if you don't, then you might not want to continue that story at all.

But I do want to continue "the rokket duelist" because of the story I'm hoping to go with.

So to enjoy this story myself, i'm going to change the deck, what deck i'm changing to?


When am I going to change the deck?

On my next break

When well that happen

I'm not sure, but i'll let you guys know when

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