.A New Life.

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"Dad! Dad, come on! I don't wanna be late!" The girl now ten was ready to go to her fathers school. She may have not been Lord Death's blood kid, but he loved her like his own. "You won't be late. And you know I can't go with you. But if you need anything you know where i'll be." he softly hugged his daughter, then she ran out of the room giggling, already knowing where her class room was.

When she was in the class, her teacher Ms. Kobly gave her her name tag, saying weapon. Then gave her her little stuffy she had left in the room when she was running around. People started walking into the room, grabbing their name tag's and sofly stood around and talked to each other.

(1st person)

The class started with everyone starting their name and if they were a weapon or a mister. Then Ms. Kobly made us go around and talk, and get to know each other. The weapons bonded with the misters, and likewise. I met a very nice girl, she was a mister. Her name was kimmy. We decided to pair up, so I was no longer a misterless weapon. Kimmy was very smart, she knew a lot. For a ten year old. The weapons learned how to sink their wavelengths so they were connected to their mister. Then we learned how to transform. I was a sith, I had a dark Green blade, and had some Purple accents.

There were other sites, but not a lot. There were knives, and sword's. And some other weapons I did not know the names of yet. Then the bell rang. The older kids leave their classes and my class has to go home. I stay in class and run down the hall to my father.

"Dad! Dad!" I said running into the room. He chuckled and asked what I had to say. "I'm a seith! Oh and it's green!" I giggled as he picked me up, spinning me around. "I have a mister too! Her name is Kimmy! She is smart!" "I take it you had a good first day?" he chuckled, placing me down. "I'm gonna go to the library!" I said before running out of the room.

Some kids were roaming the halls looking lost. "Ay, kid." "Ya?" one of them said not to bother. "Do you a- know where class 2274 is?" They seemed so embarrassed to ask. "Ya, It is by the library! I was just going there." I said walking now, when we got there I said hi to Lexi, she was a teacher here.

There were no good books but some had cool pictures in them! "Eris? Your father wants you back." The libraryin told you after getting off the mirror with him. "Aww," I slowly closed the book I was looking at and put it back. "I'll see you tomorrow." she called out before I ran out. Running back as the bell for the end of the school day rang. I made it just in time.

"There you are, I wanted to see you in your weapon form. I heard from Ms. Kobly you didn't have much problem with it." The sound of his funny sounding voice rang out as I stopped in front of him. "Okay. Wait what if it doesn't work? I had to join with kimmy," I looked into where his eyes would be with his mask. "It will, just do what you did with kimmy, but with me." I tried to imagine the line and slowly tied it. Then I tried to turn into my seith. But the "line" broke, and retired. I wasn't a seith, but a sword. "W-what! But I was a seith with Kimmy!" my father softly twirled my weapon around.

"I know what happend, when we disconnected your second form, you were too tired to fully turn, nothing was wrong. With time and practice you should be able to turn to whichever one you wish." "Oh," I deformed. "So nothings wrong?" I asked. "Nothing at all. If anything this is better, you have two forms and normily people have one." he softly patted my head. "You can go back to the library if you wish. But be back before 8 okay I have plans for super." I quickly looked towards the door, there was the sound of three people talking, I knew one of the voices. It was the boys that I helped navigate to their class. "Piggy back ride?" I asked then he softly lifted me to his shoulders.

"Hidy ho! What can I do for you boys?" I softly rubbed my eye. Tired from running around the school. "Oh It's the girl, we wanted to clear up the tardy for today. We couldn't find the class, but the kid on your shoulders led us there," he stopped talking, and I had fallen asleep

(3rd person)

Lord Death softly pulled his daughter off his shoulders and she softly slapped in his arms, "I'm glad she could help. Your tardiness has been cleared. Now as much as I love talking, I must get her to bed." Lord Death softly tucked her in with her favorite green blanket. "No, read me a story please" She softly snuggled into her blanket falling asleep.


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