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 I was woken up by Franken trying to move me off his chest. I looked over to the clock on the side table. "Love I need to go~" I was not going to let go, and school didn't start till 7, why was he up at 4? "No." I snuggled deeper into his bare chest. "I need to meet with Lord Death, I need plans for class." "You can do that at 5, or even 6. It's morning." He gave up and went back to sleep, waking up at six.

"I'll try and stop in later, but no dissecting kids." I said walking with him to the kitchen. It was 6:15, and now I was up; no going back to sleep for me. "Hm," He hummed a yes. I knew he would scare them into thinking he would. I bet over to pick up my hat. I knew i shouldt have bent over wright in front of him. He always does it. It was like a reflex. "Ow, why! You always do that! I'm gonna have a mark." I rubbed the sore part of my ass. He chuckled, "You know i'm going to do it~" he grabbed my waist pulling me into him. I sat on the counter. Kissing his lip's. "Okay, I'm off. Text me when you are going to be there, okay?" he walked to the door, pecking my lips one more time before leaving.

All alone, I have nothing to do. I have to wait until noon for lunch. So a nap for me! I walked into Franken's shared room, removing my pant's. I never sleep with pants on. I jumped into the bed, snuggling into the left side, where he normily slept. All I could smell on this side was his callone, and coffee. He always smelt of smoke and coffee. It comforted me.

I woke up at 11, from a text. My friend had to reschedule lunch. She had a family emergency. I slowly got out of bed, changing and grabbing my husband's forgotten lunch. Then walked out the patch work lab. I decided to walk to the DWMA. I stopped and got some of the cookie's Kid liked. Along with Lizz and Patty. Softly walking to the stare's I started to ascend.

I softly knocked on the door of my loved one's new class, and he opened it. Saying nothing I just handed him his lunch. Just as he sat down the Dell rang. "Oh, I'm going to see a kid. I'll be right back. Okay?" I softly pecked his lips and started walking to lord death's room.

"It's been so long! How have you been! Ooh I found the book you loved as a kid!" It was true my father was overly excited when it came to dealing with his kids. "I just had to drop off Frankens lunch. Oh! Where's kid? I have some stuff for him." I softly moshined to the bag. "He is training with Lizz and Patty, in the yard. He wants to join the school, but I don't think he would like it all that much." It was true her brother would not like it, nothing was symmetrical. Or even. He isn't as bad as he was when he was 12, god he counted every stitch on my love's face, and seen there were 19. He yelled at him to add one, or take one out.

"Hm, i'll talk to him to see if he really wants to join or not." "have fun! Oh make sher Stein doent disect any of the kids!" I giggled. Walking down the little steps to the yard, seeing kid, lizz and patty all laying in the lawn. "I brought cookies. If you want them." I said, staring at them from their stares at the sky. "OH YESS!" Patty pratickly screamed. "You all get a dozen," "How many is that?" Patty asked, wanting to be fair. "Its 12." Her brother nodded.

"So kid, I hear you want to join the academy." he hummed. "If you're here to talk me out of it, it is not going to work." I giggled. "No, I'm here to tell you. You should, I joined at the age of 10. But you have much more responsibility." He looked at me, "I will tell you, nothing out this school is even. School starts at 7, and ends at 3." "NO! Say 8! Say it!" "Im sorry but in this world nothing will always be even, you need to try and let go, you can have little things even but don't try and change things of others." he looked at me, "as hard as it is just try, and show dad that you can work in the school, even if there is some unsymmetrical thing's.'' I pat his head, standing up.

"I'm going to be here all day, if you need anything let me know. 'K?" I walked off towards the hernandis stairs, walking up them. Walking strate to his room, walking in as they were working on a paper. I sat in Stein's rolly chair, spinning around. Thankfully I didn't fall off. I saw the two kids Franken beat the shit out of, and maybe their weapons.

I stop spinning, finding his lunch, and eating his little cookie he failed to find. I got bored and continued spinning, almost falling. He suddenly stopped my spinning. "You're going to fall, " he said, placing a hand on his desk, "you fall all the time! I'm just spinning. "I reach my hand into his lab coat pocket and grab a cookie in a bag I hid.

He looked at me, then checked the rest of his pockets, finding the other three I hid. "How much food do you have hidden!" Some of the kids watching laughed at his words. "You found them all, there for when I get hungry." I grabbed the cookies in separate bags, putting them on the desk.

"Class, I failed to introduce. My wife-" "WIFE!?" some kid yelled, instantly covering his mouth whispering sorry. "Eris." Franken finished his sentence after the interruption. I just giggled as he tripped. "Gezz, what is this highschool?" I laughed more. Remembering him falling down the stairs when I ran towards him.

"Well class, if you are done, we will start with a lesson. We will start with dissecting some frogs, which should be pretty fun." "hm, at least it's not kids." I said to myself. I heard the little chime on the loudspeaker. "I'll be back, don't eat my cookie; I'm not done with it." I walked to the death room.

"I hear you were trying to help Kid over his problem. And for him to join the academy." "Ya, I think he will try at least." I softly swayed to the slight music playing. "I have enrolled him in the academy. He will start tomorrow." "That's good right? Or are you not liking this choice?" He hummed, "I feel as if he will try too hard, and fail." "Then we can stop that."

"Oh just so you know I most likely will be here, or in Stein's room, I have nothing else to do." "You could be a death sight," I sighed. "I told you dad, I don't want that. I want to settle down. Have a family. I love this school; and what it stands for. But I can just live a life of action." My father already knew of my desire to have a family, he supported me fully. "I know, but the offer is there whenever you want!" "I know, I don't know, maybe I'll change my mind." I said walking back into Stein's class.

They were all groaning and complaining. I giggled, catching the attention of the mad scientist. "What is so funny?" He asked handing me the scouple, "reminds me of when you made the group do this." I cut the frog more, softly handing the knife back, "Ya, maybe a little bit."

After a bit i decided to go home, and maybe plan a little date night, hopefully everything goes right.


A Little Love (Dr. Stein x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt