Part 7

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The next day at school goes by pretty fast. Nothing much really happened. I tried to look inside Eunjoo's backpack to see if she had my polariod, but I didn't get the chance too. 

Eunjoo, Joshua and I walk home together to my house to work on our project again. 

"Is your brother going to be home?" Eunjoo asks.

"No..." I reply 

Lets hope they aren't  


"Wait seriously, you like me brother" I asked. 

"Mhm" she says nonchalantly. 

"Well you clearly don't know my brothers" I say

"Wait, brothers, you mean there are more of them?" She asks.

Well it won't hurt to tell her, "Yah I have four older brothers." I say

"Oh damn, I feel bad for them," Joshua says, "they must have had to take care of you." 

"Shut up" I tell him. 

We arrive at my house and go inside and they're back on the couch. 


"Oh it's my oppa, I'm going to go outside to take the call" Eunjoo says. 

"You also have a older brother?" I ask 

Welp, it's me and Joshua. Did I mention how awkward this is.

But, I've been meaning to ask him something. 

I lower my voice and come closer to him. He notices and turns his face,looking at me. Our eyes lock and I ask him: "Why did you do it?" 

"Do what?" He asks. 

"You know, like take part in whatever Dae's doing" 

"Oh, that. Well to start off my dad was pretty rich, so I lived a pretty good life, but when I was nearing highschool, he died in a car accident. My mom tried her best to make a living, but she gets sick frequently minimizing the jobs she has. I want to be able to support both of us, so I needed a job, even if it was a sketchy one. I didn't have time to have a part time job, so I help Dae with whatever he wants and he pays me. I'm not proud of what I do, but Dae is my friend that helped me in need, so I need to pay him back." He tells me. 

"Oh, sorry for your loss" I reply. 

So, I guess not telling anyone is helping Joshua. I don't want him to suffer. He already went through a lot. Besides, it's not like Dae did anything to me yet. 

"What about you?" He asks me

"What about me?" I ask

"I mean your parents aren't in the house, and your brothers are pretty busy," He says, "What's up with that. Isn't it lonely." 

"Mmm, well not really. My parents divorced and my dad died. My mom wasn't really the nicest so I guess she just took off. My brothers pretty much do all the work to support us. I truly am grateful cause I know they're doing it for me, so I guess it doesn't really matter."

"Well, I guess your mom's a jerk." He says. 

"Yah, I guess, I think she hates me. I'm so glad she isn't here anymore, although I feel bad for my brothers since she loved them. It would make their life easier, but it would make mine worse" I say


"She was kinda abusive, she really hated me. I don't really know why. Although I think it's because I got in trouble a lot, and she had to deal with that. She also blames me for my dads death; "he was spending so much time with you and trying to care for you, that he didn't realize he was overworked" she used to say" I said. 

Joshua doesn't say anything instead he turns his head back and mumbles a quiet "sorry". 

Eunjoo comes back in and sits on the other side of Joshua. 



I look at my phone and check my messages. 


Should I open it, but he said that I have to check my messages 

I turn my back to both of them and open up my messages. 


Hey pretty, could you do me a favor and go to this address. 

There is a package for me, but it's too late for me to go. 

Can you go get it and bring it to me? 

I close the messages and drop my phone

Oh shit 

Fear overcomes me.

The last thing I want to do is see Dae. What if there are creepy dudes at the address he sent me. What if it's a trick. I can't go. I don't want to go. 

Besides I can't just leave Joshua and Eunjoo here. Who knows what Eunjoo and Joshua will do and find out. 

Relax, just ignore his message and hope for the best 

I continue talking to Joshua and Eunjoo acting like nothing happened. 

After an hour or so, my phone starts to go off again and it won't stop 

Reluctantly I pick my phone up, cause both Eunjoo and Joshua are staring at me with eyes pretty much telling me to answer the truckload of messages. 

Fuck. They're all from Dae. 


Did you not understand. 


you decided to ignore my messages huh 


come over to my house NOW, or I'm coming over there with a knife. 

My breathing increases, my heart is pounding, my hands start to get sweaty. 

NO, NO, this can't be happening. 

He's going to come over here and kill me. I don't think Eunjoo and Joshua would might if I died. It's not like I can magically disappear. 

I have to do it. No matter how much I get hurt. I have to go. 

"Hey guys, we ran out of food, so I'm going to go to the grocery" I tell them shakily. 

"Now? Well, ok" Joshua says, "Hurry up, I'm hungry" 

I quickly sprint out of the door. 

I can't believe I'm doing this. It's not like I have a choice, If I died I think my brothers would be too concerned to continue on. I don't want to worry them. I can't worry them. It's the least I can do for them since they care about me. 

I walk to Dae's apartment. The street is dark and the only thing visible are the lights from the street lamp. 

All of a sudden a hand comes out from the alley next to me and grabs my wrist. They pull me and shove me into the alley with them. 

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