Part 10

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Back to Aeri POV: 

I wake up and the sun is shining on my face. 

What the fuck happened 

It's all bits and pieces. I can barely remember what happened last night. I got beaten up, Hyunjin brought me home, Joshua took care of me. Wait that doesn't sound right. Anyway... I think I asked him not to tell me brothers. 

He even stayed with me in the room. AND OMG WHAT THE HELL WERE WE TALKING ABOUT. 


I don't think my brothers found out. I'm so embarrassed. Why did Eunjoo and Joshua have to see me like that. I don't want them to know how vulnerable and weak I am. There's no way I can face them at school.

Oh shit, my uniform is still bloody. 

What's this. There is a uniform coat on my chair, but it doesn't have a name on it. What if it's Joshua's? Nah. It can't be

I quickly change into a different shirt and cover it up with the uniform suit/coat I found on the chair. 

I wear leggings under my skirt to cover my bruises, and apply makeup to cover my wounds on my face. 

There, now no one will know that I got beaten up. 

I walk downstairs slowly, scared that my brothers might find me out. 

"Hey, aren't you hungry?" Yeonjun asks me, scaring the shit out of me. 

"You were asleep when we came home, so you didn't have dinner. Come and eat for once" He says. 

"Ok" I say

Oh thank god. They didn't figure it out. 

I quickly finish up breakfast before my brothers are done and get the hell out of there. I can't risk them finding out. 

I walk to school, praying that I don't bump into Joshua and Eunjoo. 

As I walk into the classroom, I hear a voice behind me. 

"Hey, you okay?" the voice asks me. 

I don't have to turn around to figure out whose the voice belongs to. 

I ignore Joshua's question and walk into the classroom. 

Before I take a seat at my desk, I walk up to Eunjoo and tell her, "I can't meet up with you guys after school, so my house isn't free today." 

"Oh, ok" she says before I walk away. 

At my desk, I hear Joshua and Eunjoo conversing. 

"We can't go over to her house today, so can we go to yours? Eunjoo asks Joshua. 

"Sure, is she coming?" 

"I don't think so"

Joshua turns his head and glances at me. I can feel his gaze for a couple of seconds before I see him take his seat. 

Class goes on as usual and then lunch comes. 

I quickly leave the classroom to avoid bumping into Joshua and Eunjoo. 

Before I head to the cafeteria, I hear Jaeyun calling me. 

"Hey, I need to go somewhere after school, can you come with me?" He asks. 

"Sure" I tell him 

"Thanks" He replies, and we both go our seperate ways. 

After school, I wait near the gate for Jaeyun oppa to come out. As I check to see where he is, I see Joshua and Eunjoo walking out together. 

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