1. Accepted in KISS

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Summer is literally one of the best seasons because you have exactly three months to have fun with your friends and spend some time with your family. Oh, how I love summer! But unfortunately, summer was ending, and I was still waiting for a call from KISS! They have passed two months since I had applied, and I haven't got an answer yet, which made me lose hope! I really desired to go there since it was the same school that my mom went!

I was sitting in the edge of the pool with my feet on the water just staring at the trees moving in the wind! My sister had dragged me to this pool party, which I hated with my whole heart because I didn't know a soul here! That was when a boy came into my vision, destroying the beautiful view that I was staring at! He smirked when he saw me and came my way 

?:Hi beautiful, would you like a drink?

Y/n:Would you like to have a black eye in exchange?

?:Jeez girl, I don't bite 

Y/n:But I do, get lost 

Well, there is a thing about me that I forgot to mention before! I can be a jerk to strangers sometimes because I don't trust anyone! Last time I truly trusted someone, my heart got hurt, and I am not risking it again! I am friendly and kind to my friends and family! People call me the nicest soul when they get to know me, but you have to pass a lot of test to get into my friends zone! My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone ringing really loud and when I saw that it was a number from KISS I immediately answer it!

Y/n:Yes, this is she! Only have twenty-four hours, got it! Thank you

I hang up and looked at my sister in the pool, who was doing exactly the same thing! A look at each other and we already knew that we were thinking the exact same thing! She came out running, and we started screaming like crazy and everyone was looking at us weirdly! I mean, we were just really happy that was it! We hugged each other and then started laughing 

Y/n:We are going to KISS

I said in excitement and Kitty smiled 

Kitty:I can't wait to see Dae again

She said, and I smiled because I knew how much Kitty cared for him! I was happy that she had found a boy that he treats her right and cares for her! Even thought it is a distance relationship, I have to say that it is very healthy and they both make each other happy! I also can't wait to see their relationship grow now that they will be living together! Then she got a serious look on her face

Kitty:We have to show our parents the PowerPoint we made to convince them! We can't fail 

She said and I nodded! We have made a PowerPoint weeks ago just in case we got in! Now what we did, it's a chance to finally use it ! When we went home, we called our dad and Trina to show them what we had prepared! I was really nervous if we will be able to actually make them agree! I knew that Trina will be trilled with the idea, but I had no idea about my dad! Because he already had two daughters away, and I don't know how he would feel if the other two left, two years before they actually do

Kitty:I know when two people are meant for each other 

Kitty started talking, and I pressed the bottom for our presentation to start 

Kitty:It's a feeling that I get, and I felt it for Lara Jean and Peter! I felt it for you two 

She said with a sigh before smiling 

Kitty:And I feel it for me and Dae and I will definitely feel it to whoever Y/n chooses to love 

She said while looking at me and I rolled my eyes! The last part wasn't necessary 


She continued and then I stood up next to her 

Y/n:Remember the day when we went to Grandma and Grandad's to help them clean up their attic?

I said and Kitty continued my sentence

Kitty:We found all this stuff of mom's, and we realized that she went to Korea for boarding school in her junior year of high school 

Y/n:Also, grandma told us that she got this super-cool scholarship for Koreans living abroad to learn more about their culture 

I said and Trina talked 

Trina:Well, that sounds lovely 

She said and my dad smiled

Daniel:Oh it was the best, she told me all about it 

Kitty:Well, no one told us about it 

She said interrupting dad and I nodded! No one, not even our sisters, ever mention it, which made us really upset about it! Because we were never able to meet mom and always asked people about her and the fact that they avoid telling us this little detail about her life made us really sad

Y/n: Our whole lives, we what to rely on people to tell us about mom 

I said crossing my arms and dad sighed 

Daniel:Girls I was-

Trina:Honey, you are interrupting their flow 

She said, taking the cup of tea in her hands from the table 

Trina:Keep going 

She said and I smiled! This woman is literally my favourite human in the whole world! I loved the way she guided us towards the best and how she loved us 

Kitty:Well, there we were trying to make sense of all these little pieces of mom's life 

Y/n:And then suddenly something clicked!

I said, snapping my fingers 

Kitty:The school mom went to the Korean Independent School of Seoul

Y/n:Aka KISS and the one of the top international schools in the world 

Kitty:Is the same one Dae goes to!!!

She said emphasing Dae's name with a huge smile on her face 

Daniel:Wow! That's a coincidence 

Kitty:It is more than that, dad! This is fate 

She said, correcting him with a serious look on her face 

Y/n:We applied to KISS

Kitty and Y/n:And we got in

We said at the same time and dad's smile faded while Trina stood up to celebrate with us with a huge smile on her face! She hugged us and told us how happy she was for us 

Daniel:Well, this is going to be a great collage 

He said and I looked at him 

Y/n:No dad, it is for high school

I said, and he looked like he was hesitating to give us an answer 

Trina:Well, I think that it is great that they want to learn more about their culture! Don't you think?

She said, and I smiled at her ! Dad thought for a moment, sighed and then smiled 

Daniel:Well, who thought that you were going to grow up so fast 

He said and Kitty asked him in confusion

Kitty:Is that a yes?

Y/n:That you are letting us go?

We asked and he nodded! Then we screamed and started running upstairs to our rooms to start and pack! This was going to be a marvellous adventure 

With Love, Covey || XO, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now