12. Birthday dinner

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Kitty and I went to receive our parent's gifts, and mine was twelve new classic literature books, while Kitty's was a new makeup collection. We were so excited and happy about them, and now we were sitting after shopping at a café enjoying the nice weather when our sister Lara Jean called us. I went and sat next to Kitty, and we answered the phone 


We both said at the same time, and Lara Jean waved at us with a huge smile on her face. We had to talk for a long time because of the hour difference, and I was so happy that we finally got the chance to talk to her

LJ: Hello girls, happy sweet sixteen 

She said and we both smiled 

Kitty: Thank you so much 

She said and I agreed 

LJ: How is Korea and how the new school has been?

She asked, and I looked at Kitty, ready to tell her everything that had happened so far. We told her everything and she was listening to us carefully 

LJ: Well, I am happy that you both finally are realizing who you actually are and making new adventures for yourselves. But that doesn't mean that you also have to change for somebody else, and I also don't want you girls to change. I know that you are growing up, but please never change 

She said and we both smiled!

LJ: I have to go to class. See you!

Y/n: Byeee we miss you 

And then we hung up. I really missed our family and the days that we were all together, and I know that in a few years that Kitty and I will have to separate too. But this is life, and we have to accept it. Anyway, Kitty and I continued walking and shopping around the city and when we were finally ready we returned to the school. I took my textbooks and went to the library to study while Kitty went back to our dorm. I put my headphones on and started studying for an upcoming test that we had this week, until someone gave me a bouquet of flowers. More specifically, tulips, which were my favourite. I looked up and saw a strange boy who looked like a delivery guy. I removed my headphones and asked him before he left

Y/n: From whom are these?

I asked, and he turned to me, took a piece of paper from his pocket, and said

Deliveryguy: The person specifically said to not mention who sent them and just said, "You teach me now how cruel you've been—cruel and false. Why did you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of comfort."

Wuthering heights? This is a line from Wuthering Heights! My favourite book and most specifically my favourite quote that Heathcliff says in the book. He went to leave, but I stopped him again 

Y/n: I am sorry, but can I have the paper?

I asked and he nodded 

Deliveryguy: Yeah, the person wrote it, and I was going to throw it in the rubbish anyway 

He said, handing it to me, and I thanked him with a smile. Was that Patrick who send the flowers? I mean, there was a possibility, but how did he know which was my favourite kind of flower, and which was my favourite book? That is weird! But maybe he asked Kitty. So I decided to call him and find out

Y/n: Hey, can I ask you something?

I said with confusion in my voice 

Patrick: Yeah, whatever you want 

He said and I sighed. I was too embarrassed to ask him if he was the one who send them, so I decided to ask in another way to figure this out 

Y/n: I am making a project with different kinds of flowers and I ask people which is their favourite kind 

I said and he laughed 

Patrick: And out of all people, you called me to ask. I mean, I have no idea about them because I am allergic to some of them as a result of deeply despising flowers. Not all of them, just the ones that I am allergic to

He said, and then I asked them which of them he was allergic 

Patrick: Daisies, Gardenias, and Tulips. But my favourites are definitely roses 

He said, and my eyes widened. If he wasn't the one who send them to me, then who it is? And also I was allergic to roses. Yeah, I know that I have weird allergies, but it's not my fault, people. I thanked him and immediately hung up the phone. I took my things and went to my dorm. When I entered the room, a beautiful smell came to my nose and I was surprised to see Minho making dinner

Y/n: Please don't tell me you will bring a date in here. At least you would have told me to sleep in the library 

I said and he scoffed with a smile

Minho: No, you idiot! Q paid me to make a birthday dinner for you and Kitty 

He said and I looked at him surprised! Did he know how to cook?

Y/n: Okay, Gordon Ramsay. Just don't put poison in it 

I said, walking towards my room 

Minho: Don't give me ideas, Covey. Also, nice flowers 

He said, and I stopped for a couple of seconds thinking before I entered the room. That was weird

Kitty: Aww, how beautiful are they?

She said while taking the flowers from me 

Y/n: Yeah, they would be ten times better if I knew from who they are

I said sitting on my bed and Q looked at me with Kitty confused

Q: They are not from Patrick?

He asked and I nodded negatively 

Y/n: Nope, he is allergic to tulips

I said while looking at the beautiful red tulips.

Kitty: Then from who are they?

She said, and I lay on my bed

Y/n: No idea, but it is also kind of creepy, you know. Because the person told the delivery guy to say a phrase from my favourite book. Which is totally weird

I said showing them the card she nodded but Q smiled 

Q: No, it's not because red tulips symbolize love and passion. Which means that you have a secret admirer. Give me the card 

He said, and to say the truth, it literally creeped me out. It's kind of scary. Then Q's eyes widened, and I looked at him confused because he immediately stood up 

Kitty: Where are you going?

She asked, as confused as I was 

Q: Coming right back

He said, going to the living room and closing the door behind him. I looked at Kitty trying to figure out if she knew what was going on, but by the look on her face, it meant that she had no idea.

After a while, everyone gathered in the kitchen to eat dinner and Kitty stood up to make a toast with a huge smile on her face 

Kitty: I want to thank you guys so much for everything you did for us, with your willing or not. This also makes me realize that we did the right choice by coming here to Korea, and I am so happy that I didn't leave on the first day.

She said with a smile, and I smiled back at her. It was a great night with laughter, smiles, and jokes

With Love, Covey || XO, KittyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora