2. Korea here I come

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Excited, I exited the car and looked at the airport which meant that the moment I will step into the plane, a new chapter will start in my life! I can't wait to turn the pages and found out the continuity of my story! I turned to my parents and looked at my dad, who was taking our bags out of the garage! I went and hugged him tight, and Kitty followed me! Trina joined the hug, and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes 

Daniel:You don't want to miss the plane, right?

He asked and we nodded! My dad was holding back tears, but he didn't want us to know that he was sad because he didn't want to ruin our new adventure 

Y/n:We will miss you, dad and Trina

I said, and Kitty agreed with me! Dad pet us on the head and smiled 

Daniel:Me too kiddos! Me too

He said before they enter the car to leave! We entered the airport and sat on the first chairs we found, and I started scrolling on Instagram!


My sister said taking a picture of us to send it to Margot and Lara Jean! But our picture was ruined when a guy's bag hit her shoulder, she turned to him angrily!

Kitty: Excuse me ?

She said furious, and he turned to us confused, but then Kitty's attitude changed when he saw in his card that he was from KISS

Kitty: Wait, you go to KISS, my sister and I go there too!

She said full of excitement and I looked at her confused

?: No Englishi

He said and I rolled my eyes

Y/n: Okay, jerk

I said, and he just avoided me and left! We boarded on the plane and tried to forget what had happened previously and focus on our destination! When we arrived, I saw our bus from afar and my sister and I started running towards it! I was fortunate enough to get in time, but Kitty missed it

Y/n: Shit

I whispered ! I tried to convince the driver to stop the bus, but my poor Korean was a bad luck! I looked around for free seats but unfortunately for me the only free one was next to the jerk that we met earlier back in America! I sighed before finally decided to go and sit

Y/n: Is this free?

I asked, and he was texting someone on his phone, not looking at me

?: Can't you see that my bag is already sitting here? I don't want to get dirty on the floor

He said and I smiled

Y/n: So you do speak English

I asked and he looked at me! When he realized who I am, he smirked at me

?:The mean aeroplane girl! I knew that you were hitting on me

Is he freaking serious right now?I never met a guy before to have such a big idea about themselves 

Y/n: Don't flutter yourself

I said picking up his bag and putting it on the floor, and he looked ready to murder me

?: This is Versace and you dared to put it in the dirty, disgusting floor! You will regret this 

He said, and before I sat down I looked at him with the are-you-serious-look

Y/n: Rich, asshole and annoying! What other great characteristics do you have?

I said, and he laughed like he was waiting for me to know the answer 

?: Obviously I am hot

He said with a huge smirk on his face and I looked at him confused

Y/n: Who lied to you?

I said, and before he was able to answer, my sister called me asking me where I was

Y/n: I am on the bus, where are you?

I asked, and she explained to me that a car hit her when she was trying to pass the road and my eyes widened

Y/n:What, are you okay? I mean, you obviously are if you are talking to me on the phone, right now! But are you?

I asked worried and she laughed

Kitty:I am okay, Y/n! I am alive

She said and I sighed in relief

Y/n: Thank god! Alright, see you in school

I said, and I hang up, closing my eyes! When we arrived, I exited the bus as quickly as I could and went to grab my luggage! A boy in the school uniform was handing them to the kids and I went to him

?:Are you Y/n Song Covey?

He asked, looking at the name in the card on my luggage, and I nodded before taking it from him

Y/n: Thank you

I said, and he smiled at me! I was ready to leave before he took my attention again 

?: I am Patrick, btw

Y/n: That's great

I said while shaking his hand! If he was trying to flirt with me then I am sorry, but I am useless to this subject! I never flirted with a guy in my life! Before I was able to introduce myself, someone went past me, hitting me on the shoulder

?: Ugh, like it wasn't bad enough for me to come here in a school bus, do I have to wait ten hours to also grab my luggage?

The jerk from earlier said while looking at us with an annoying look!

Y/n: Don't you have anything better to do than being an annoying jerk all the time

I said to him crossing my arms, and he removed his glasses looking at me from us to down 

?: I would have if you didn't get on my way all the time

He said, and I sighed tired to continue this conversation, so I got my luggage and left 

Y/n: What an A-class-jerk!

I whispered to myself before noticing my sister's blue cardigan and brown hair from afar and ran to her as fast as I could ! I hugged her from behind and she jumped in fear

Y/n:I am so glad that you are alive

I said and when she realised it was me, she relaxed and hugged me back 

Kitty:Me too

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