10.Moving day

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Patrick had an emergency, so he had to go and left me all alone outside. I was walking, questioning myself if being with Patrick was the right decision. Because I barely knew the guy and when we were together he never talked about himself. I knew literally nothing about him. I didn't even know if I liked him. And if I did, I couldn't tell him. Let me explain why! Remember the first day that we came to KISS when Dae mentioned sth that I have been through. Well let me explained what happened. I had this huge crush on one guy at my school, and my friends told me that I should tell him because he obviously likes me back. So I did and one of his friends knew that I was going to and record me when I was confessing to him. Then he rejected me and uploaded the video on Instagram with the caption "The pathetic Chinese girl thinks that I would be into someone like her". Firstly I am Korean and second of all it went viral that I didn't have the stomach to go to school for the next two weeks. Because everyone made fun of me, and I was just a twelve years old girl. That's why I stopped trusting people from that day, and I am a jerk to strangers sometimes. Anyway, my thoughts were interrupted by someone behind me 

Minho:Patrick is a dick!

He said, and I turned to him horrified because he scared me 

Y/n:You scared the hell out of me dude 

I said touching the place that my heart is because it was beating really hard from fear.

Y/n:And he is not a dick

I said and started walking. He followed me 

Minho:I used to be friends with him, and he changes a girlfriend every month, so he will probably get tired of you by the end of this month 

He said and I turned to him angrily 

Y/n:Just stop it. It's my choice if I date him, not yours. Because it's clearly not your fucking business

I said walking again and he followed me again 

Minho:If you don't believe me, then ask Susan Brown. She joined the school last year, and she is an England exchange student who is also his ex. I won't say anything more 

He said while walking towards the boy's dorms and I joined the girl's ones. What was he talking about? I didn't even know that Patrick had an ex. Should I go talk to her? Or should I trust Patrick? My instinct says to go ask her, but why I am scared to do it? What if I find out sth that I am not supposed to? I think I should ask Kitty's opinion! The other question I have is why Minho cared about it so much? I mean, it's my decision who I want to go out with, not his! When I entered my room, Kitty wasn't there, and after an hour I received a message from her saying to immediately go to Dae's dorm. Usually when she texts me something like that, it means that there is blood near her, so this is why I ran to the room. But, when I entered the room, Dae was sitting on the couch

Y/n:Is she dead, hurt, or in a coma? Wait, where is the blood?

I asked and he looked at me confused 

Dae:Wait what blood?

Before I was able to answer, Kitty entered the room 

Y/n:I have told you one thousand times do not text me to come immediately to where you are, unless you are covered in blood 

I said, and she just grabbed me to Q's room 

Kitty:I have sth important to tell you about, you know what 

I looked at her confused before we enter the room and I sat at one of the beds next to Q

Kitty:Well I did a small research and when we were at the hospital we found out that our brother was adopted like Australian parents like Alex 

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