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The next morning, Kitty and I decided to support Q on his little hike trip. Kitty mostly did it because Dae would be there all alone, and she found this like an opportunity to talk to him. While I found this like an opportunity to find some different kinds of plants for my collection. This is why I brought my camera with me. Don't judge people! I have many interests. While the others were getting ready, I was preparing my camera

Q: Alright, people, welcome to KISS's Outdoors Club.First rule of Outdoors Club: please talk about the outdoors club. That will be very helpful because we did lose a few members this summer. Alright, let's get ready with some stretches! You too Y/n, leave the camera alone

He said, and I sighed before finally standing up and going next to Kitty 

Dae: Sorry, I am late 

Dae said while joining us and Kitty immediately left me by going to him. But a few minutes later Patrick came, and I looked at him confused because I knew that he hated nature. But the smirk on Q's face made me realize that he was the one who invited him. I felt so awkward when I remembered what happened yesterday and tried to get over it

Patrick: Hello stranger, how are-

But before he was able to finish his sentence, Yuri joined with Minho coming behind her. What the hell was she doing here? If she was here, then Kitty's plan wasn't going to work 

Minho: Alright, who is ready to go on a hike?

He said and I looked at him confused! Q had the exact same expression as me 

Q: Minho! What are you doing here?

He asked and Minho laughed 

Minho: What can't I hang out with my best friends?

He said, and I picked up my camera while taking a photo of him. I just found something to make fun of him for the rest of the year

Minho: What are you doing, Regina George Junior?

He asked and I smirked 

Y/n: This needs to be documented! Because it may never happen again 

I said with a smirk on my face while walking away, and Patrick followed me! We were all walking, and I was stopping to take pictures of the plants on my list and a small piece of them by now and then, so that's why I had been behind the rest of the group with Patrick by my side 

Patrick: What other talents do you have, Y/n Song Covey?

He asked and I smiled 

Y/n: Well, I can play piano 

I said, and he looked surprised at me like he didn't believe what I was saying

Patrick: Really?

He said and I nodded 

Y/n: Ask Kitty if you want!

I said and he immediately nodded negatively 

Patrick: No, no, no, I believe you 

He said and I looked on the floor 

Patrick: Well I will love to hear you play one day

He said, and I smiled looking at the floor until Q yelled at us from afar

Q: Lovebirds walk faster we don't have all-day 

He said, and I blushed while checking what the next plant was on my list 


Dae: What are you staring at?

He said and I looked at him confused 

Minho: What do you mean?

I asked, still confused about what Dae meant by what he said 

Dae: You haven't taken your eyes off Y/n and Patrick at the back for like ten minutes now

He said with a smile and I still looked at him confused 

Minho: I still don't know what you are talking about 

I said and he laughed 

Dae: Come on, mate, it's okay to have a little crush on her! But you have to do something because Patrick is really trying after he got a rejection yesterday 

He said, and my eyes widened. Me a crush on Cruella Devil herself! Ha, no way! She was the one who was hitting on me after all at the bus 

Minho: I would rather die than have a crush on her! She is Cruella and clearly not my type.

He said and then I remember his last sentence 

Minho: Wait, Patrick already asked her out? I mean, they know each other for like two weeks 

I said and Dae continued smirking like an idiot, which really annoyed me  

Dae: I thought you didn't care, but I will tell you. Q told me that Patrick asked her out yesterday before class and Y/n rejected him 

He said, and I truly didn't care, I was just a little curious you know! Because Y/n is my best friend's ex-girlfriend's twin sister, after all 

Minho: Well, Patrick is a jerk. He dates four girls a month, and I heard that he put drags on a girl's drink last year 

He said and Dae sighed 

Dae: These are just rumours and Y/n seems to really enjoy his company, so it's her choice who she dates anyway! But if you like her, then I suggest you do your shot now 

He said while walking away and I screamed at him 

Minho: I don't like her 


I was casually walking when I heard Yuri scream

Yuri: Worms, worms, worms

Q looked at her, completely done with his life, and then said while looking away 

Q: We are in nature. Embrace it 

He said, and I nodded in agreement. Patrick had left me to talk with his friends, and I was enjoying by myself the beauty of nature until the jerk decided to destroy it for me 

Minho: Why are you taking photos of plants? They're all the same ugly green thing 

He said while coming up next to me 

Y/n: There are not just some green, ugly things. Everything, even the most small ones has a great history behind them that it is worth learning about it 

I said showing him a camellia that I found a few minutes ago, and he was looking at me not with his usual "I hate you" look but with a friendlier one! I knew that Minho was a softie inside him after all. But then his face turned serious again after a few seconds

Minho: What's up between you and Patrick?

He said, and his questions seemed a little weird to me. Why did he want to find out what it is going on between Patrick and me?

Y/n: We are just friends! Why are you asking?

I asked and he looked on the floor 

Minho: Curious 

He said while walking away and then my sister came running towards me while grabbing my hand and pulling me away 

Y/n: What are you doing?

I asked, and she told me that she would explain later and continued dragging me somewhere 

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