I Confess

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It has been two weeks since I last talked to Jake, and we didn't leave on good terms. I've tried calling, texting, and seeing if he was home, but I couldn't seem to get in contact with him.

I curl up in bed, crying to myself, feeling a sense of guilt. "Lu, don't cry." Willow rubs my back on the blanket.
I push the blanket away from my face, looking at Willow. "It's all my fault. I, I was scared. I didn't mean to hurt him. I was just scared, to be honest with myself, and not only that, I still like Austin." I cry uncontrollably.

I explained everything to Willow, from how Jake and I planned a fake relationship to how Jake confessed to me, and I think I've just messed up my chance.

"I wish I could turn back time and tell Jake how much I like him too." I close my eyes, beginning to feel a bit sleepy.

Willows pov:

Surprisingly, Lu falls into a deep sleep. I leave her side, making my way back into the living room. I take my phone out, ringing Austin, asking for Jake's address. I wear my leather jacket and put on my heeled boots, opening the front door.

"Willow, where are you going at this time?" Liam asks me, confused.

"Honey, it's a long story. I'm going to Jake's house to see if he's home. I promise I will explain everything when I get back, and if Lu wakes up, and asks where I am, say Mom needed me." I try to explain quickly.

I arrive at Jake's house, parking in his driveway

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I arrive at Jake's house, parking in his driveway. I knock on the door, waiting for a response, but no one answers. I walk to his window, looking inside, and I see Jake sitting on his couch, covering his head with a blanket, watching a movie.

Is he serious?!

I bang on the window multiple times. "Jake! Open the fucking door!" I shout, like a crazy lady, and see him jump up from the couch.

I walk back to the door, and Jake opens it immediately. "Hi Jake, it's nice to see you too!" I say in a sarcastic tone. "Willow, I'm not in the mood. It's almost ten, and what are you even doing here?" He questions depressingly.

I push him out of the way, making my way into the living room, making myself comfortable on his couch. Jake walks in after, seating himself in front of me.

"Jake, just because you have a problem with Lu, this doesn't mean you should have bad manners towards others." I try to keep calm. "I'm sorry. Why did you come at this hour?" Jake asks as he turns off the TV.

"Look, if there's anyone in this world who knows Lu, it's me, and the first thing I want you to know is that Lu regrets what she said to you that day. I know Lu, and she would never want to hurt someone who means so much to her." I explain, hoping this conversation goes well. 

"Well, I just got rejected by someone who means the world to me!" Jake says, trying to hold back his tears.

I didn't know how much this was affecting him.

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